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Deathly T

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Yesterday we had our first Halo 4 Lan-Party and I was the only one using Thruster Pack and -for the first time in my life- I used Bumper Jumper button Layout. It was awfull in the beginning cause I used to play with the "Recon" configuration. It was so bad I looked like a real NOOB half of the night, but ............last 5 or 6 games of 20 minutes I was the KING!! Thruster-pack is great, just like Bumper-Jumper is. Please do not change things 343........the game is perfectly balanced and the thruster pack has saved my life many times, sprint'/jump/turn.......Thruster and it's just enough to get away!! All I want to say is -give it a chance, it really is just enough to get behind that rock, jump of a building etc. It seems 343 has done a great job here.......no more plasma-grenade overkill, no more stupid armor-lock which could sometimes comepletely destroy a vehicle and slowed the game down.....I would give this game a ten. And the fact you can't Bumper-Sprint with none of the button-layouts is also done with a reason...........
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