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Everything posted by vStealthYx

  1. personally i hope she doesnt come back because by her death chief has turned into a better human not just a machine and if shes back he will just turn back into a machine following orders not having an self opinion
  2. that is a good opinon because you have good evidence and theories so he might be
  3. over the game you see the MC turning into a new person but the Cinematic ending also shows a great lot
  4. i did it on Co op Legendary and i got it i think
  5. im about half a year late but if anyone is still on halo wars i would happily come on with you
  6. yeh it was a mining thing at first but then turned into a war machine
  7. im in , im a general so add me on xbox
  8. im also guessing sierra but i doubt it thats just probably a unsc code name
  9. yeh the decals were on the reciept on in the case like i got them
  10. that would be complicated to make
  11. according the halonation they were listed as M.I.A
  12. make air because its fast and can take out most targets and their good when upgraded
  13. yay its fixed and i agree you win if you have a plan not with cheats
  14. i hope they dont because i love the game and people still play the game because its fun
  15. hm i dont know but id use air because there fast and cause alot of damage
  16. i think it would be awesome because i already love halo wars
  17. i liked him alot because he was evil and do you know his birth name was Shirley ? ,
  18. Mine is to have 2 bases full of upgraded supply pads , have the skill that reduces train time an focus making the vultures
  19. my idea would be to be able to have space battles so you can control ships and make different ship classes and just have wars on that and your base would be a refueling stationg which you can upgrade and add defences and supplie pads ect
  20. i hope they do make one , i love halo wars because its a fun game and adds another story to the halo saga so making a number 2 would be good because it would add another story to the game
  21. just train your people fast and attack fast it works every time
  22. i like the game but i hate it when players just rush you with their leaders online its so frustrating
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