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Everything posted by vStealthYx

  1. thats a good list , i didnt know some of the medals and that list has helped me alot ,Thanks man
  2. well Noobs are not really beating players alot its all about who gets the first shot and who has the most accuracy , and the choice of weapon is also a variable that determines who kills who.
  3. the playlists are good but i liked the reach ones better
  4. i have good days , ok days and bad days
  5. teamsniper would be good or a racing game mode in warthogs
  6. you should ask this in shoutbox ( i think )
  7. i like the idea but its in the wrong place
  8. yeh like the older halo where you had to wait 10 minutes for leaving and you had your rank reduced
  9. yeh it happens in most my games lol
  10. it will make fans because then people are playing against their own rank / skill , example its unfair for a sr3 to vs a sr67 because in most cases the sr67 would win
  11. i agree but you should be able to have shotguns and railguns as weapons aswell
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