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    Death to the lizard people!

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. microsoft turns over all your information to the N.S.A. do you want them turning in every word you speak and move you make as they record every movement you make in your living room or bedroom? that's a personal decision we all have to make... I am an adult and have a private life and feel my privates are just that, private. I do not want microsofts camera recoding me getting dressed. they will deny it, but that is exactly what it is doing. halo will never be halo again after 343 made such drastic changes to the "arena" aspect of halo's roots xbox one is only going to breath life into halo 5, and it will sell and people will play it, but they will quickly move on to the next game like they did with 4. ( go back to HALO REACH the ONE TRUE HALO) south park even aired an episode about how snotty and blind xbox people are, and it is true
  2. Halo 3 should be re-released with the armor abilities of halo reach!!! though still such a solid game alone
  3. Halo 4 was dropped to $39.99 45 days after the games release. it has not been $60 new since december. they had a crazy marketing scheme with the specializations available to those who bought it before the price drop.it really messed with people who love to play game, not to talk about it online. If I had known what I know now, I would have waited for the price drop and purchased the map pack instead of getting the specializations earlier than others... anyway it is to late, i payed $60 and am a sr130 already and have never felt so ripped off by an over hyped game. 343 played a bait and switch on gamers and our most mildly intelligent will be skeptical of any further purchases from them, to believe any promises, or ad campaigns in the future
  4. A returning fan actually likes halo 4? and thinks its balanced? I think some one put a "#4" sticker on your copy of reach.... cause you are not playing the halo 4 I got suckered into buying cause halo 4 only has downgrades from reach
  5. oh riight!, flood!!! I have never player flood or infection... i forget about that mode so often...
  6. Hi, I have noticed a handful of strange things in the past 7 1/2 weeks of playing halo 4.... here is one I am at 130 and I check fellow players service records during the stage selection screen to see how many challenges they have done to get as high as I have or if they used double xp.... I have seen players with the shotgun listed as their favorite weapon. the shot gun is so scarce it would be quite improbable to have this listed as a favorite weapon. can anyone explain this?
  7. I can not help but agree... halo 4 is the worst halo yet. they downgraded the jet pack, made the hologram and camo better. games are no longer won with skill, but explosive weapons. the only reason this can even be called a halo title is because you can unlock master chiefs armor. otherwise I liked this game 10 years ago when it was called UNREAL championship/tournament... the games played with their marketing campaign are strange also, with the drop in price to $39.99 after 45 days? kind of a slap in the face of those who bought a L.E. for $100 (wow! enjoy your L.E. packaging!) the maps suck... the ranking system sucks matchmaking keeps getting worse the entire "find game menu" sucks (why is it like that?) a lot of praise and positive posts about this game are also from employees how many changes do they have to make until it is not halo anymore? the halo we remember may be gone forever if this is the future of halo I do not want to play I will keep my quarter I will have no part Halo once was the premier innovator in shooters... now has been reduced to hype, marketing and the lowest common denominator to crank out an unfinished product soaked up by unsuspecting consumers who enjoyed the previous titles
  8. anyone notice "win 3 games in king of the hill" is one of the daily challenges under war games... though you can not play king of the hill in war games... you get it once in a while in the DLC but not everyone has that... incuding me! why would I purchase more of a game that can not get it together after 2 years of planning? sorry 343 your stages suck and lowering the price of the game to $39.99 is a slap in the face of those who pre-ordered it.... consumers will remember how you screwd them and lowered the price 45 days after its release and all those of us got who pre-orderd it was a downloadable armor and screwded out of $20 more bucks. ( then $20 more for map packs?) there are clearly problems at your company but this is just the beginning as you coast on bungies coat tails to halo 5 when the fans abandon you and you can all go devolop childerens games for sony do not mess with your fans... after lowering the price of the game so fast, you may want to give all people who pre-ordered it the war games map pass also... plus anyone who buys L.E. versions of the game do it for the packageing anyway... (ooopps did they get screwed over too!?!?!)
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