microsoft turns over all your information to the N.S.A. do you want them turning in every word you speak and move you make as they record every movement you make in your living room or bedroom? that's a personal decision we all have to make... I am an adult and have a private life and feel my privates are just that, private. I do not want microsofts camera recoding me getting dressed. they will deny it, but that is exactly what it is doing.
halo will never be halo again after 343 made such drastic changes to the "arena" aspect of halo's roots xbox one is only going to breath life into halo 5, and it will sell and people will play it, but they will quickly move on to the next game like they did with 4. ( go back to HALO REACH the ONE TRUE HALO)
south park even aired an episode about how snotty and blind xbox people are, and it is true