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Masao Guardian

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Everything posted by Masao Guardian

  1. If the matchmaking system didn't put players into games in progress, I bet the system also wouldn't start games unbalanced as it does now. I don't mind this too much in the slayer playlists, but for team objective games, every person counts. It really sucks to start out 5 v 3 on a game of CTF. With those numbers (opposing team players being adept at the game) it's pretty much impossible to score. Other than the objective games, I don't mind mid-game joins. In Slayer all I really care about is my own K/D ratio anyway. I don't mind if my team loses as long as I perform well; at least I did my share. Of course it's nicer to win than to lose, but if I win my own personal engagements, I have that to be proud of.
  2. The DMR isn't overpowered. It's a balanced weapon that works well alongside the other starting weapons. If the DMR were overpowered, you'd come out on top much more than you probably do (depending on your skill level). I use the DMR, and I get killed just as much as any other player. And I consistently kill other players who are using the DMR. It takes five shots with the DMR to make a kill. It takes four BR shots to make a kill. I don't know how many assault rifle shots it takes to make a kill, but the advantage of that weapon is how many bullets you shred through your opponent. You don't have to be super accurate with that thing, like you do with the DMR and BR. It lends itself to a different style of play, and the three weapons balance each other nicely.
  3. I figured it was for that reason... This is going to sound ridiculous but... how do you pass the ball?
  4. I've had the ball thrown to me as I was running to fight an enemy who was attacking the ball holder. It was terrible timing; I was making a charge out in the open, and all of the sudden I had no weapons and no cover... I'm thinking more and more that for objective game types I should stick with a team of people I know personally. There is nothing that makes me angrier in a game than an intentional betrayal by a team member.
  5. Hello everybody, nice to be a part of the community! I've been playing Halo 4 since release day and loving it. I've noticed that something is happening when I play Oddball, and I want to know if it's happening to other people, and what I can do to stop it from happening in the future. I'm talking about intentional betrayals. If I'm playing Oddball and I have the ball, my goal is to keep that ball for as long as possible from the other team. Same as if someone else on my team has the ball, I will stick with that person as long as possible and defend him/her from the other team, at cost of my own k/d ratio. If I'm having a really good game, sometimes I'll have the ball for over a minute at a time. This is when people betray me. I don't understand it, it weakens the team-- if you look at the results at the end of a match, people are still ranked based on their k/d ratio, NOT the amount of time spent with the ball. The only thing time with the ball affects is team victory or defeat. I haven't played much Halo since 3, so I might be out of touch with the way people think about and play Oddball. Is anyone else experiencing this phenomenon; Intentional team betrayals for the ball?
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