"I've never gotten emotional at the end of a game until now, its hard not to when you've been connected with a series for 11 years and something drastic happens at the end (of the newest installment), Halo 4 is an incredible game for anyone, it's even better for those who have followed the series from the beginning and have loved every second of it. It's such a massive universe that the creators and fans have made and people who have only played a few of the games cant truely understand just how massive it actually is but when you do realize how large it is you appriciate the masterpieces that the two companies have created, so thank you Bungie and 343i for creating a world unlike any other for us all to enjoy."
This was the facebook status I posted earlier today, I appriciate the games you guys have made from the Halo series, in my mind there is no series that will ever top the world you and Bungie have created. Combat Evolved and Halo 2 were the two xbox games i gave the most play time too, Halo 4 is going to be racking up massive hours on my Xbox 360 and will continue to before and after the next Halo installment. I sent this because I am a huge fan of the series and I am very thankful for you guys carrying on the most amazing series ever, I have yet to read all of the books but I plan to begin them in the next few days, thank you 343 Industries for continuing the series ive been closest to for the last 11 years and i cant wait to see what you guys have instore for the future of the Halo Universe.