This campaign annoyed me. Every time you had to go do a task something would always go wrong. Nothing was ever smooth and i feel like that was the only way they made the game longer. Im playing the campaign on Legendary; 2 player co-op. I have spent 9 hours and 21 minutes on the campaign and I don't know how long this last mission will be but I am guessing that i will beat the campaign somewhere around 10 and a half hours, ON LEGENDARY! Im not going to lie, it's not easy but if two people can beat the campaign, on legendary, in 10 and a half hours, your game is not long enough. Especially when you have to do all of these pointless side missions. Two examples are: 1)when you are riding the mammoth, every time there is an enemy on the ground you HAVE to kill it. Like really? It's a grunt, whats it going to do to this giant, invincible vehicle? Or how about when you are riding on the gondola so you can like shut down something on the other side of the room. On your drive over, enemies stop the gondola TWICE! So now you have to get off the gondola, kill 30 enemies just to reactivate the gondola. OHH but it does not stop there, no no no. After you activate the gondola, enemies appear on it, so then you have to kill all of them. Once your are done with that you fire the gondola back up and your on your nice ride over the the place you have to go to to deactivate whatever it is you have to deactivate but hang on a sec! The enemies stop the gondola AGAIN so now you are forced to redo something you just did 10 minutes ago. You have to get off the gondola, kill a butt-load of enemies, reactivate the gondola, then more enemies appear again so you kill them then you start the gondola and FINALLY get back to doing what your supposed to be doing. Don't get me wrong, i have nothing with doing objectives and/or killing things but this was just ridiculous. Chief NEVER gets it easy. Cortana is never like "ok, you have to go to this room and pull a lever" so you travel to the room, kill some baddies, then you enter the room and the switch is right there you pull it and its a done deal. It's more like, going to pull the switch then you run out of gas, so you have to go get some more, but then gas is too expensive, so you have to go get a job, work there for a week, then you can buy the gas. So now you have the gas but you don't have the right adapter to make it work for the ship so then you have to go the the supermarket but its closed so then you have to break the lock, then you have to kill the security guards but then you go to jail so you wait a year then when you get out you find an adapter on the ground and you can finally put the gas in the ship. and you finally make it to the room but the switch is on the other end and out of nowhere a meteor crashes in front of you and you have to build a light bridge to get across... get my point? Something always goes wrong and that sort of ruined the game for me. if someone else has on opinion on this then please, try to prove me wrong but it made the game frustrating for me.