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Meta Knight

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Everything posted by Meta Knight

  1. I thought it would have been better, it wasn't what i wanted it to be, but it is still an awesome game to play every now and then
  2. I haven't played it yet, but from the ads and videos i have seen about it, it looks really good
  3. Duke Nukem Forever Great game very easy to get into, fairly sexual which they don't really need, but all in all i think it's a great game
  4. 1. Halo 4 2. Skyrim 3. Duke nukem forever Best games for me
  5. Basket-ball practice is going to kill me......

    1. SykoWolf
    2. Meta Knight

      Meta Knight

      I haven't done anything other than soccer and volley-ball

  6. I kind of hope for the flood to come back in 5 and 6 but i doubt they will
  7. I believe I was trolled by a mod..... I had background music playing, no matter where I went on the site I had it, I had heard that only mods have that, so I was lead to believe I was a mod.... I was very heart broken when GSD went on to my profile and took it off
  8. I think it was brilliant, the best one yet
  9. Welcome to the fourms!! If you have any questions be sure to ask!!
  10. Welcome to the fourms!! Hope you enjoy yourself!
  11. Heyy!! Welcome to the fourms!! Hope you have a great time!
  12. Heyy!! Welcome to the fourms!! If you have any questions just ask!
  13. I like the flood....... or i should say i like killing the flood
  14. Sucky day

    1. Azaxx
    2. Meta Knight

      Meta Knight

      broke up with my girlfriend, and as you may know it was our anniversary a week ago, so it has been a bad day

    3. OMG Treason
  15. Welcome to the fourms!! Its always good to have new members! If you have any questions just ask!
  16. Welcome to the fourms!! Have fun!
  17. Heyy! Welcome to the fourms!! If you have any questions be sure to ask!!
  18. SWAT all the way! Welcome to the fourms!!
  19. Welcome to the fourms!! If you have any questions just ask!!
  20. Hello!! Welcome to the fourms!! Just ask if you have any questions!
  21. Heyy! Welcome to the fourms!! If you have any questions just ask!!
  22. Heyy!! Welcome to the fourms even though you are more use to them then me PS: i like your "It's a trap!"
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