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Meta Knight

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Everything posted by Meta Knight

  1. Chuck Norris's face was originally going to be on Mount Rushmoore....... The granite wasn't hard enough for his beard
  2. Heyy!! Welcome to the fourms!! Hope you have a good time!!
  3. Heyy!! Welcome to the fourms!! If you have any questions just ask!
  4. Heyy!! Welcome to the fourms!! As you mentioned you didn't know where to post this, so if you go through the topics and find halo 4 you can post it in there, thanks once again welcome!
  5. Heyy!! Welcome to the fourms! Hope you have a great time!
  6. Heyy!! Welcome to the fourms!!! Hope you have an excellent time!
  7. Heyy!! Welcome to the fourms!! But this is not the place to post this, please in the future move stuff like this to a more appropriate topic, thanks once again welcome!
  8. yeah they are part of a different group
  9. now i feel like a real loser, sorry its been a long day my eyes skipped a few words
  10. I see what you did there you edited it so i would look like a loser
  11. but you said you are a mix of both
  12. so your a human catus?
  13. You felt like the catus or the person who walked by? Either way sad story bro, if your the catus its understandable why people don't want to give you a hug, but if you were the person well then thats too bad
  14. sorry buddy im not sure how to help
  15. It seems a lot of people aren't very happy with halo 4, oh well I'm enjoying it and we can only hope 5 and 6 will be even better
  16. amazing...... when the boogeyman goes to bed at night he checks in his closet for Chuck Norris
  17. i never really got into team snipers, not very good with them
  18. i disagree with you, but of course everyone has their own opinion
  19. I agree people need to stop complaing in the shoutbox, its so annoying
  20. Welcome to the fourms!! Its always nice to see new members here!! Hope you enjoy your stay if you have any questions just ask!
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