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Meta Knight

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Everything posted by Meta Knight

  1. thanks!! that has helped a lot!!
  2. i like the storm rifle but i never really get the chance to use it
  3. Meta Knight


    I argee with all of you guys, it can be good or bad, i think they only added it because people were tired of waiting to respawn
  4. haha yeah i did have a pretty bad team, they didn't do much
  5. Heyy! Welcome to the fourms!! Hope you have a wonderful time! Ask if you have any questions
  6. Heyy! Welcome to the fourms!! Hope you have an excellent time here, ask if you have any questions!!
  7. haha yeah! I got that one 5 times in that match i was like "Oh yeah! Bow down to me!" i won that game by a lot
  8. haha same after my 43 kills, the next 5 games i got less then 20
  9. so im starting campaign on ledgendary any advice?
  10. thanks for sharing that, its cool to look at them all i think my coolest was "reign of terror" which was be king for 60's
  11. Heyy! Welcome to the fourms!! Hope you have a great time, just ask if you have any questions!
  12. Hello! Welcome to the fourms! Hope you have a great time, if you have any questions just ask!
  13. thats pretty impressive i think for big team slayer, i only ever get maybe 12-14 kills in it, since there is so much going on in it
  14. I agree those were the days of halo 3 were everyone was having fun, and didn't take it as serious
  15. What's your guys highest amount of kills in a single game? Mine was 43 on Haven doing SWAT and only have 12 deaths
  16. Meta Knight


    same!! Worse map ever, the best are Haven and Adrift
  17. I have always blamed people for cheating whenever i lose, haha just kidding, but not yet i haven't i will take a look for it
  18. yeah, im pretty sad that people don't use teamwork anymore, they just go in by themselves and get shot in 2 seconds
  19. I want them to have the hame winning kill that way everyone can see how good i do
  20. Meta Knight


    you guys must have very bad luck, because when ever i use instant response i never die right after
  21. Heyy! Welcome to the fourms! Hope you have an excellent time here! Most the people here are friendly just watch out for a few people in the shoutbox all's they do is complain if you have any questions just ask!
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