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Meta Knight

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Everything posted by Meta Knight

  1. Meta Knight


    Welcome to the community!!
  2. Welcome to the community!! If you have any questions just PM me
  3. Thanks buddy :hug: no i was not on Thanks
  4. Sorry guys i wasn't on yesterday, i had to go to my brothers funeral.....
  5. haha very funny, and to build on something else i will be referred to as Sir Knight, not Sir Meta Knight takes to long to type, so it's Sir Knight!!
  6. I have changed my identity to Meta Knight I'm no longer zero3366
  7. Connection to XBL is terrible :(

  8. Welcome to the community!!
  9. Welcome to the community! This post is a little big for this kind of topic, so next time please make a separete place for each of your topics, thanks
  10. Well I wasn't gone as long as I thought I would be, I'm going to be on here a lot more now to keep my mind off things that have happened today, so yeah hello everyone
  11. wow............ never thought it would come to this..............

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Meta Knight

      Meta Knight

      my life is going downhill very very fast

    3. Vaulting♥Frog


      I am here for you dude, no matter what


    4. Meta Knight
  12. This one is yellow centered bolded and italic
  13. I had a dream about 343ICF it was about aliens..... it was weird

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Harbinger


      No its just me Indoctrinating you.

    3. A71william


      Yay. My mind control transmitter is working!

    4. Meta Knight
  14. Welome to the community!!
  15. I ended up saying good bye 11 times and did the same puzzle twice than fell asleep playing ruby
  16. Don't worry i will make sure to vist
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