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Meta Knight

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Everything posted by Meta Knight

  1. Thanks people like you have made my time here enjoyable *eats bacon then cries*
  2. I think its about time for me to pack up and head out, it was nice knowing everyone byebye
  3. Thinking of leaving here............

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Meta Knight

      Meta Knight

      so now im your best friend :P


    3. Fishy


      Yep, thought that'd lure you back lol

    4. Meta Knight
  4. Welcome to the community!! Enjoy your stay!!
  5. brutes all the way, or other spartans infected by the flood!! or prophets
  6. How Mr. D became a mod Well, it was a dark and stormy night, and the planets had just aligned... and I logged into the site after defeating an army of over 100,000,000 of Sangheili's finest warriors. Then, while talking in the shoutbox and posting on the forums, I climbed Mt. Everest and was struck by lightening. I then battled Zeus to the death. I obviously won. And then, after I had bathed in the blood of all of the gods of Olympus (I teleported to Olympus from Everest) I became a moderator. I fashioned my banhammer from the metals that are only found inside of the hottest of stars, and the handle from the bones of the toughest monsters in all of the universes. And I did it all with my bare hands and only one leg while wearing two eyepatches over each eye That conversation was the most interesting one i have ever had with him
  7. yo mama.............. just kidding im not listening to anything right now
  8. Welcome to the community!!
  9. got a hair cut :(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. PublicAlliance


      i hait the normal ones :( i like long and thin hair. Hait curls.

    3. PublicAlliance


      P.S is ur real name Zero? i like that name. When i have kids i am nameing him Zero but spelt Zeiro

    4. Meta Knight

      Meta Knight

      no sadly it is not my real name

  10. Welcome to the community! If you have any questions just ask!
  11. Talking with my new best friend Vitaminy :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Meta Knight

      Meta Knight

      He even commented :o !!!!

    3. Fishy


      Best Friends? What kind of rare pokemon is that? Is it like Mew? I can't seem to find it on my Pokedex.

    4. Meta Knight

      Meta Knight

      see fishy this is why i love this community so much, because of people like you


  12. Talking with my new best friend Vitaminy :D

  13. interesting....... i like it
  14. Welcome to the community!! Hope you have fun!!
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