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Meta Knight

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Everything posted by Meta Knight

  1. Heyy!! Welcome to the fourms!! If you have any questions just ask!!
  2. Welcome to the fourms!! Have fun!
  3. Heyy!! Welcome to the fourms!! Have a great time!!
  4. Heyy!! Welcome to the fourms! I suggest moving your answers to a different section since this is for welcomes/goodbyes you might get a better answer somewhere else
  5. Heyy!! Welcome to the fourms!! If you have any questions just ask!
  6. I'm sorry but you are wrong, a fly can fly but a mosquito can't mosquito
  7. Whats the difference between a fly and a mosquito?
  8. Have a great holiday, and hopefully everything gets better with your family member
  9. A new title would be nice instead of Brute Minor.....

  10. Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird
  11. Mwhahahahaha They are my precious......
  12. Nop they are all minezzzzz hehehehe
  13. You think it's the trolls taking them.... hehehe
  14. I have been informed that there is choco bacon, chocolate covered bacon...... I'm in love its the most beautiful thing i have ever seen
  15. You edited your post, before it said A it instead of It's a little dark and sad
  16. Thanks! It's my color i use on all my posts A it?
  17. Forever Together “Love is like music, At times it’s fast and lively, other times its barely noticeable. And most times it end with someone wishing they hadn’t bothered or someone wanting to do it all over again. I don’t regret anything I have ever done with you, I love you; I wish you luck in your future, you will achieve big things I know it. I didn’t want to tell you I had heart trouble it would have killed you to know I was slowly dying. I love you, and I will wait for you in heaven, you are the only one for me.” As a kid I never really had any friends. The ones I did have were only temporarily. But the odd one stayed with me too the end. Most kids just ignored me, some bullied me, some were friendly but I’m not a people person so they lost interest in trying to get me to talk to them. My parents weren’t around a lot, they weren’t even busy, they just didn’t want a son to begin with, and so I never really took much interest in them either. Most of my time I spent alone in my basement playing my electric guitar. It’s amazing how much you get done in three years of playing everyday. I spent very little time at school since I thought it was a waste of time, and since we didn’t have band class or anything like that there was very little point to go. My plans when I was growing up were to be a full time guitarist for a famous band. Of course as you can probably tell that never happened. My grades in school were just enough to pass, so that way I never had to re do any class, which was lucky since I didn’t want to do it in the first place. School was a waste of time, they teach you stuff, you forget it by the time you are twenty-five. Music is my life. I collaborated with many musicians throughout high school. I applied for a couple bands and got accepted, but none of them were what I really wanted, it just didn’t seem right. I also played drums and piano, I was very musical but my heart was into playing guitar. Most kids in school were doing drugs, I was not one of those kids, and I couldn’t afford to mess up my musical career, plus they were way too expensive. There was crime everywhere on the streets. From robberies, to murders, to sexual assaults, it was hard to stay out of gangs and stuff like that to; most the time you couldn’t have a decent sleep, without thinking that you would wake up in someone’s basement or just not wake up at all. One time I almost got caught up in a gang. I was walking into a small convince store in a not so nice part of town. There were a few people inside, none of them looked particularly dangerous. It wasn’t those people I should have been worried about. It was the people that came right in after me, some how I didn’t notice them outside. They walked in trashed the store punched a couple of people, I wasn’t scared of them; in fact I was hoping they would shoot me. They said it was either I join them or they shoot everyone. Lets just say there were only a few people who walked out of that store that day. One was me, the gang still terrorizes innocent people, I now wish I had joined them instead of watching all of those other people die. I thought it would make me feel better to watch other people suffer instead of me suffering I regret it everyday. The other reason that I let those people die is so that in the future I didn’t turn out like that gang. And if I ended up with a criminal record I could kiss my music career good bye. It was hard enough growing up without anyone, but living in a garbage filled city, where trash is piled up in the back alleys, and dead animals lying in the middle of the street. It was filled with smog, and smoke. You breathe and you choke and you think you are dying. In a city like this most people are into rap and pop and stupid stuff like that, which didn’t really help me since I was into 80’s rock and roll. Not many people like it any more. But when you find people who do like rock and roll, they are hardcore fans. Then it went all down hill from there. On my 17th birthday I seem to lose all my interest in music, which once I lost that I had nothing else to do. I got bullied a lot more, my parents got divorced, I was failing classes for most the year. I was all alone. No one was there for me. I was seriously thinking of suicide. It was the only thought in my head. I attempted it many, many times. But then a girl walked into my life. The only person I cared for in the world was this one girl. Her name was Chloe. She was beautiful, hilarious, and the person who saved my life numerous times. She was even nice to me, we talked a fair bit, she was my only friend that did not stab me in the back like all my other so called friends did when they heard rumors about me. I truly think I loved her… When people at school found out about her and me talking, she lost all of her friends. What baffled me was she didn’t care, she said that if they didn’t like the people she was talking with then, they are not friends, they are people trying to control your life. That’s when it occurred to me that I don’t have to be popular with everyone, just the people who will be with me until the end. So like every boy in the world, I went out of my way to impress her, I started playing music again, and I was a bit rusty at first but I gradually improved. I put on small shows for her. She loved them, I’m not entirely sure why, but I didn’t really care, as long as she was happy. We laughed, we loved, and we lived. I was loving life again, because no matter what there was someone there for me. We didn’t care what other people thought; all I cared about was her. I spent every second I could with her. We went to the movies, to performances, concerts; everything I could think of I would take her to it. We dated for five years and then I finally got the courage to propose to her. She said yes, it was the happiest moment of my life. We got married in a small little white church, and we eventually moved out of the city into a small little house in the country, which was perfect for the both of us. It had three bedrooms and two bathrooms and kitchen and a living room. The basement I used for a small little studio for my guitar where I would play and write songs. She grew up to be a doctor, the best in the area. Life was absolutely perfect, until January 1st. It was her birthday; I was on my way back from the store early in the morning so I could cook her breakfast. I cooked it without going to check on her to make sure she was still sleeping. I cooked pancakes and bacon, sausages, and french toast; I cooked a huge meal just to make sure she felt special. I put it on a tray and carried it to our room. I set the tray next to her and noticed a small note on her chest. I picked it up gently being careful not to wake her. It read I’m sorry, and had an arrow pointing to the drawer. I pulled it open and found this…. “Love is like music, At times it’s fast and lively, other times its barely noticeable. And most times it end with someone wishing they hadn’t bothered or someone wanting to do it all over again. I don’t regret anything I have ever done with you, I love you; I wish you luck in your future, you will achieve big things I know it. I didn’t want to tell you I had heart trouble it would have killed you to know I was slowly dying. I love you, and I will wait for you in heaven, you are the only one for me.” I sat for the rest of the day right beside her crying non stop, until a neighbor finally heard me and came to check on me, they found 911, it was way to late to save her, she had died one hour before I got home. I still have managed to not kill myself, for that is everything she told me not to do, and I want to make sure she stays happy. For all of you people out there that you think nobody loves you, give it time, someone will come along and change everything. Suicide is not the way out. We were married for 30 years, I’ am now seventy-six. What keeps me going is… “Love is like music, At times it’s fast and lively, other times its barely noticeable. And most times it end with someone wishing they hadn’t bothered or someone wanting to do it all over again.” I no longer write music I ended up quitting a few years after she died, it was just too hard to do without crying. So now I live alone, just like before, but now I have memories. Happy memories.
  18. Correct Sykowolf - 3 DigitalVirus - 2 Zero3366 - 2 SternuS - 2
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