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Meta Knight

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Everything posted by Meta Knight

  1. What if i told you.... I already ate the cheese.....
  2. Trusted Member :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Harbinger


      Welcome to the Purple Club. Benefits include being purple, acting purple, and wanting to be grey.

    3. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Congratulations! welcome to the'cool kids'!

    4. Meta Knight
  3. oh ok i might have to buy it as well, i might look into it first though
  4. Awesome! I love games like those, i might just buy them now!
  5. I have heard a lot about borderlands, is it worth buying?
  6. oh ok, so is it one of those games that you can go wherever whenever?
  7. I was at wal-mart over the weekend, and they had a whole bin full of 10 dollar games, i never got the chance so i might just go back
  8. Welcome to the fourms!! Have fun!
  9. I really enjoy it..... maybe I'm special....
  10. I'm sorry but i have actually never played any of the mass effect games
  11. I hope they add more spartans or at least talk about them a lot, because it gets kind of boring doing the same thing over and over again
  12. Welcome! I'm pretty sure you know your way around here by now, but if you have any questions just ask!
  13. whatever the case is i want my music back
  14. Welcome to the fourms!! Be sure to ask if you have any questions!
  15. I haven't heard anything about any, i don't think 343 put any in
  16. I have found it hard all the way through, of course I'm not a very good player
  17. Welcome to the fourms!! Enjoy your stay!!
  18. Welcome! If you have any questions just ask me or anyone else!
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