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Everything posted by Nompire

  1. Hello 343, First off, great game. I think you guys did a fantastic job with Halo 4 in both the campaign and multiplayer. I just have a few concerns regarding the XP progression system. My main issue with the XP cap is not that it exists, but that if I earn commendations while capped, I lose out on that XP and can never get it again. This encourages me to just stop playing any multiplayer or spartan ops until I am no longer capped. A better solution in my opinion would be to keep the cap as it is, not allowing people to gain XP from completing/winning games, but still give XP whenever a commendation is completed. Not sure if this is a bug or was just an oversight, but it's annoying either way. There is also the bug where people using the double XP promotion are getting their double XP games used up even though they are at the XP cap. I know this has been noticed already, and thought it had been fixed, but the issue is still active as of yesterday (11/10/2012) and again encourages me to simply stop playing any kind of multiplayer until I am no longer XP capped. Secondly, Spartan Ops currently gives a good deal more XP than matchmaking games from what I've seen, so whenever I log in my friends and I only want to play Spartan Ops which, while awesome, isn't really as fun as actual multiplayer against other people when it's the only thing you are doing every day. I see two solutions here, one being lowering the XP of Spartan Ops which would be kind of lame, but acceptable I guess. The other would be to just increase the base XP gains from other forms of multiplayer matches to be more in-line with Spartan Ops. There is also the chance I don't know what I'm talking about here, because I haven't played that many non-spartan ops multiplayer games, but the ones I did play didn't give very much XP even when I got 1st place. Hopefully some people share my concerns, sorry for the wall of text. Thanks if you read it. - Nompire
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