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  1. Moral of the story: 343 messed up. Really really really bad. They need to take responsibility and fix it
  2. This is how 95% of Halo 4 players feel.
  3. Cons: Join in progress? Really? I have joined countless numbers of games when the kill count has almost reached the end, and not for the team I so conveniently joined. People say it's great for "wanting to play quickly" When was the last time you had to wait more than 30 seconds for a game? Honestly? That's right, you can't remember. Sprint. No. Just no. Sprint worked in Reach because it was an ARMOR ability. Perks... here we go... Promethean Vision: Wtf!? "Hey, I know this is an FPS game and all, but... I can now see you at all times." Some of you may say "Adapt" and I have TRIED. For example: I was sneaking into the enemy base during a game of CTF on Ragnarok. I sent out a decoy across the center of the map. They used Promethean Vision JUST as I entered the base. Thanks, 343. Active Camo: What is it? Honestly? "HEY! BLUE BLIPS!" What is the point of the blue blips? What ever happened to jamming the enemy radar? That was the ONE thing I used to jam the enemy radar during slayer and I can't even use that because movement still shows up as red on the enemy radar. Weapons: The random weapon drops are ok-ISH. They encourage adaptability in-game, but the days of "Ok guys, the sniper drops in 13 seconds, head to the platform" are long gone. Maps: I really hope more maps are going to be released from Forge sometime soon. Like in Reach, I was ok with Forge World maps. It allowed brand new maps without creating... well, a brand new map. But this "Ok, you guys get 5-6 maps. The rest, you have to buy" Really 343? All about the $$? I hope not. The little things: Grenade indicators: Get rid of them. Weapon indicators on screen: get rid of them. The LOUDNESS of the footsteps: get rid of them. You have no idea how many times I sneaked around a corner and owned an enemy because I heard him through my Turtle Beachs. This is a cheap form of gameplay. If I can hear you, you can hear me. Instant Respawn: This is how it usually goes for me: I am in a gun fight. I get his shields down, I lose. No biggie. But then I instantly respawn, SPRINT to the area where the gun battle took place, and own the guy in one shot. If I can do it, everyone can do it. 343, we entrusted you with the games we love. And the campaign was absolutely fantastic (although short, but I can deal with that because it WAS that good) But as for multiplayer: You blew it big time. This is not Halo. This is Halo mixed with Call of Duty. Everyone I have talked to on Live has said these same things to me. All of my friends agree with me on these stances. If you got rid of the things I mentioned above, Halo will once again be amazing. But this is garbage. I know Halo 4 is just a baby, and I really hope you guys make an update.
  4. Horrible idea. Especially when I have, on more than one occasion, joined a game 100's of points down. Or 100's of points up. It should be fair. You lose a man? Change your strategy.
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