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Dan Man 3153

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Everything posted by Dan Man 3153

  1. Custom Games: Broken. Hardly any CUSTOMization Campaign: Amazing but needs scoring system Multiplayer: Lacking variety but feels almost perfect in gameplay *minor imperfections soon to be fixed as per usual. Spartan Ops: Game life extender and short but sweet also needs scoring system Forge: Great additions but lacking older features * Hopefully added in future DLC Theater: Not much to say here but multiple player viewing is still not possible Overall Halo 4 is worth the money but has extremely noticeable problems for the Halo vets who seek improvement not substitution. Score: 9.3 / 10 + Improvements + New and old features Simplified + Amazing Campaign (no cliff hanger/ expecting it since it is the beginning of a new saga) + Mantis lol -Substitions or lacking vital/key features that made the last few halos amazing. 343 please work on my negative but other than that great job! You've handled and improved the halo series in ways many didn't expect! THANK YOU 343i!!!!!!
  2. Not possible. A possible alternative are initial ordnance drops but it really looks stupid. Spent the 3rd day of it's launch making an amazing run for your lives flood map on impact spent 2 hours working on an armory and bam! get a party of 6 disappointed out of ammo clueless map and game testers (players/friends)! After nearly setting fire to my xbox I spent another hour reviewing the gametype and the advanced forge weapon options annnnd Nothing. In the flood game type option to enable usage of spawned map weapons it's greyed out (unchangeable). 343 has turned halo into a nearly unchangable non customizable competitive-only game. I feel you. Stay strong.
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