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Everything posted by PlumRageofDoom

  1. Welcome!!! Need Anything Dont Be Afraid To Ask!
  2. Welcome!!! Need Anything Dont Be Afraid To Ask!
  3. Welcome!!! Need Anything Dont Be Afraid To Ask!
  4. Welcome!!! Need Anything Dont Be Afraid To Ask!
  5. Welcome!!! Need Anything Dont Be Afraid To Ask!
  6. I like what they did, instead of being able to drop it you are given a pistol. So you can still shoot people and everything and can defend yourself. Its suppose to be a team game so just picking it up, dropping it, picking it up, dropping it isnt fun at all. Who would do that in real life?
  7. The credit cap is really hurting the game, I love the multiplayer and the new spartan ops. Its alot of fun and everything, but this cap really put a damper on the game for me. I know alot of others have voiced how they feel about this too but hopefully soon 343 will fix this. Im in the military and have to work all day so i only get to play when i get off but with me being able to hit the cap in 4 hours makes it hard for me to really really enjoy the game.
  8. I have had no problems with my double XP so if you havent try turning your xbox off and then back on. I have heard that has helped for some people, if you have already tried that then maybe 343 will fix this problem soon. The game is still new so there are going to be alot of bugs in the beginning.
  9. I like it and i dislike it. I like it for the fact that you get into alot of games faster because of it, but 90% of the time you are put on the losing team that are getting capped or right at the end of the game to where if you are using double xp tokens you are losing that token because you are only getting like 500 points because you barely did anything. But overall i think if they made it so you can turn it on and off so for the people that want it can have it and the people that dont dont have to have it.
  10. I have hit the cap twice so far. Yesterday and Today. I have only been playing since Yesterday morning and i have hit both caps in 5-6 hours. This really is disappointing to me. I love what 343 has done with the game and they did a really good job but this xp limit cap is really really hurting them. I was at my gamestop today and i already saw that alot of people have traded in their halo 4 games and dont want to continue playing because of this cap. It takes alot out of the game when you put a cap like this on. Especally with Black Ops 2 coming out that Halo 4 is going to have to go up against. And with Halo 4 having the cap limit and Black Ops 2 not having one people are going to be choosing Black Ops 2 more than Halo 4. Having the Cap takes alot of fun out of the game. I have seen alot of people posting that if you just play of xp you are playing for the wrong reasons and you are suppose to be playing to have fun. Im not saying that because of the cap its not fun, but it takes alot of fun out of it. When you do really good in a game but dont get any XP or you complete that really hard Challenge but dont get anything for it, it takes alot out of the game it makes it not as good as it could be. I really think you need to get rid of this cap. Yea you are going to have boosters and everything, but what game doesnt. 343 is hurting themselves with this XP cap limit and here really shortly you are going to lose alot of your players if its not fixed. If anything, raise it more. Because the 150k xp limit is too low. When you can hit it within your first few hours of playing its not fun, I am a huge Halo fan and a huge Halo player, But this is really hurting my halo experience and i know there are many many many many more people out there that feel the same way i do. Please dont cuss on the forums, there are kids that are on here and everything and they dont need to be surround by stuff like this.
  11. Hello, Im PlumRageofDoom but you can call me Plum. I have been a huge Halo fan since the first one came out and have been playing them ever since. Im glad that 343 is continuing the Saga and I have already beat the campaigne for it and reached rank 37 online. Well that is all i can think of for now.
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