Hey everyone, I've got a question.
So when Halo 4 came out Tuesday I played through about half of the campaign on legendary with a few friends. I left earlier than the rest of them and they ended up completing one level without me. When I went back the next day, we picked up from where they had left off and finished the rest of the game. I then went back and played that one mission solo on legendary.
Now, even though I've completed all the missions on legendary (seven of them co-op and one of them solo), have access to the Orange visor and unlocked all the achievements for legendary my service record still indicates that I am playing legendary (in progress). It doesn't acknowledge that I beat it.
It's no big deal, I was just wondering if it's a glitch or if there is something I could do to fix it. If it's a glitch, I guess I've brought it to someone's attention.