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  1. Wow so THIS is what has been driving me absolutely insane! I have been wondering why I am generally so terrible with the DMR in this game, but yet from time to time I will have a game where I absolutely dominate and the gun feels perfect. I have not been this frustrated by a game for a long time. I have a question though. In the previous online Halo games, I have not felt this bipolar effect where my skill with a mid-long range weapon fluctuates wildly from game to game. Why is that? Did previous Halo games not have any lag compensation? Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I don't feel quite so enraged now.
  2. Start the games with even teams and don't have players pop in and out. It is harmful to team cohesiveness, confusing, and it takes away the pride of a victory. The way the game handles these things can be ridiculous. Sometimes it's started a match with just 3 players, put them all on the same team, then instantly declared the match over. Oh and maybe trash the whole god awful MP and start over.
  3. Hey I hate to be so negative but I need a place to rant. I've been a better than average player at every other Halo game (usually with a K/D of 1.33--I'm not bragging because I know it isn't that impressive, but I'm just giving a point of reference) but I suck at this one. I seem to be coming up short in all of the DMR/BR battles and I can't understand why. Does anyone have any advice on this? Also I feel that the maps generally have way too much cover. It seems very rare to be able to encounter a player and be able to take him on one on one because he will inevitably move 5 feet to the nearest cover and hide. They wanted to make a modern warfare style game where the players all camp and hide and it seems they succeeded.
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