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Everything posted by Zoso65

  1. @Tobi Your the funny one... A campaign story that is 3 hours or 10 hours are both short. What your saying is like claiming that in a racing game a car that can hit 140 is fast because there is another car that hits 95. And beating the campaign in 3 hours equals just about running through not paying attention to anything. Want to know why? There is a speed run of halo 2 legendary and it's around 1.5 hours. In the video the player skips parts by glitches and sword lunge glitches. Without any glitches or skipping parts, would equal around your time. The point is that this game should of include some more story driven tasks, instead of mostly generic/overused tasks.
  2. I agree that in some parts of the game, there are a few too many tasks that chief must complete. These tasks are usually very generic and overused. I understand that he must complete tasks but why must they be predictable. The gondola is a perfect example, it's obvious from the start that he is going to be stopped on the way across the gap. Then I notice a very similar station further on the way. And guess what you get stopped again, and its exactly the same enemies, same layout. It's literally a copy and paste I'd the first stop. The same thing occurs in a room where you must smash 3 ball like energies that are in box like structures. Each area is exactly the same, has the same enemies, and the same exact layout. When things become predictable, and copy and pasted I find the game bland and slightly boring.
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