I personally think if you guys wanted to improve forge overall; all you would have to do is make all the maps editable if that is a word. For instance; the only maps capable of forging is Ravine, Impact, and Erosion. Sure they are great to work with but after a while they seem to be the same thing over and over. I would like new pieces maybe some forerunner pieces or different pieces that don't look like the same thing over and over. Sure there are limitations as to how the 360 can handle things, but maybe have a huge update; I know I got the space on my hard drive for another 8GB if needed. Heck some of the pieces from Haven or Longbow would be cool elsewhere. I know how you guys at 343i are working hard to fix the errors you have made in Halo 4. I know that you plan on doing things to please us fans, and I would really like to hear back from you to see if this is possible because even though I am ok at forging and I am in the process of joining DHG's forging team I am really looking forward to what you have up your sleeves.