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Kaden Reid Girard

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Everything posted by Kaden Reid Girard

  1. i feel there should be bigger maps. out of all the halo 4 maps there are only about 2 or 3 large sized maps. there may be more but if there are any others they are all just closely packed together so it seems so small. i like the features in halo 4 forge, especially the "Delete everything" button, that comes in handy very much. in halo 3 there was sandbox and foundry where it was all big and empty and there was a lot of room to work with. sandbox came in handy for more bigger maps to be created and foundry came in handy for maze-type games and maps. then in halo reach there was forge world, made so that your imagination was almost unlimited to the things you could build. if these maps could come back that would be great but i am also asking for more large, wide open maps. the only map i like "forging" with is Ragnarok (valhalla in halo 3) because it is wide open and it gives me a lot of room to work with
  2. i agree that there should be some of the old playlists. in halo 3 i enjoyed playing the race types and VIP types. i also miss juggernaught if we could get those game types back plus the ones listed in the main part of this forum that would be grand
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