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Everything posted by ESPADAS03

  1. So i made a new Gun range so people have a place to go and relax if they get frustated. Its under my file share my Gamertage is: ESPADAs03 MAP: range03 MODE: FFA range03 Test it out let me know what you guys think and have fun.
  2. Check this response from Josh Holmes on this forum thread.
  3. So back when there was a Q & A with josh holmes over warzone it was asked if there was any plans for PVE warzone( PVAI only, no PVP), he responded saying there was no plans for it but if the community demanded it they would make it... Flash forwars to present time and there has been numerous demands for this mode, but we have not seen any update from 343 on it so either they are working on it or they are ignoring the demand in favor of esports and going back on what they said essentially. Here is my problem now I want this mode and there is many benefits from it existing for both the pro types and the casuals. so I hear how the ranking system is broken and bad players get matched vs pro players or just good players so its a one sided slaughter where teams the losing team doesn't want to quit due to the bad ban system, so they just waste like 15 minutes of there life getting killed over and over and over yay really fun right nope it sucks and makes the game non inviting to a new player who wants to make the population rise. so these players get frustrated because this becomes 5 of there rounds and they don't win ever s yea they leave maybe go trade in halo 5 sounds cool to some people they say no more bad players but with this mindset eventually the population would drop badly due to others being frustrated. Well lets see these players go to warzone to so called relax right nope they go 5 rounds of there team losing due to boss steals REQ steals and just outright bad luck overall, now people are just frustrated so hey lets go play campaign to cool off.... yea campaign then most exciting thing ever of halo 5 right... they finish the round and go ok how much XP, rp and commendations did I get... ZERO absolutely ZERO you get jack for completing campaign on the hardest difficulty... so now rather then racking up XP and REQ points you just wasted time....but wait there's a third option ,,, no wait there isn't... then Warzone gets this PVAI mode and OMG is it amazing. These players now have a way to do the following: Play with a team rather against a team focusing on big team Co op February Update is bringing more colors, here you can show off your color choice in a co op fashion.( we will finally be able to match the chiefs armor color yay) the not so great players wont flood the Arena anymore so all you try hard cant take on other try hard and not have that one guy on your team who frags himself over and over and over and over....yea my bad bros. if the Try hard guys shows up it wont ruin everyone else game by being the guy who takes their fun away rather he will be the guy everyone gravitates towards for leadership and inspiration to kill the AI with total obliteration. The AI in warzone suck they literally do nothing but get shot and die... so now you got a team of 2 or 24 Spartans vs hundreds of AI these AI wont be static they will try and capture locations flank you overrun you and just try to ruin your life... they also wont be small in numbers no no no rather then one wraith you have 5 wraiths coming your way, which all of them are in wraith Ultras there ground defense are ELites with freaking swords at the level below the Prophets bane, others have that needler shooting carbine... then some common level ones with basic weapons... but that's one wave in one spot there's going to be like 5 of these if multiple spots so yea good luck. I'm talking banshee ultras phaetons legendary weapons and man some crazy numbers all screaming down on you and also you have to defend places or else you lose. and you have to attack places... and then there's insurgent groups too not Marine AI but actual insurgent groups with confiscated matises and tanks like ONI tanks bro.... yea that's a lot coming your way in the form of the highest ranks... perhaps you can hijack these tools f you want perhaps. And if you though ok if we got 12 guys we can take them on but here's the twist 12 or 24 is nice except when 2 pelicans holding two teams of 4 Spartan's get shot down and crash land behind enemy lines and another 4 man team is dropped off to go help them but not to close so now they have to battle through enemy troops to even get to them... while the other remaining Spartans are dropped in various locations to fend off enemy with the aid f some useless Marine AI.... this is just that mode and you have the full power of the REQ system at your disposal enjoy... perhaps you may also have limited lives and only get more after each wave is defeated. Just my thoughts man I mean this an be whats coming to halo 5 and we just haven't heard anything but seriously 343 throw us a bone.
  4. Yea iv been perma banned I made a split screen and other type of topics forum and stated please do not take this as a separate split screen post its just me stating my reasons for not having an issue with it being gone and some other topics as well.... I got banned for spamming and basically making my own split screen post but some guy was rude and un productive with his post to my post and he is still an active member of waypoint... to me I feel like the moderator had it out for me he always locked all my topics I tend to say things around the lines of how I liked the new halo movement and was not a fan of halo 2 because it felt outdated for me but that was solely an opinion yet I got locked for making such threads yea so waypoint is essentially an over zealous amount of ban happy go getters who have a favoritism of topics and wont allow certain topics to gain traction if its not within there likes.
  5. Its an Ok update nothing really groundbreaking just an armor that will take forever to get the old classic halo 1 armor yippee never cared for that, and some new REQs that will be destroyed once called out in warzone, along with new assassinations that I will never use and some poses that make zero sense since no one sees them... now how many colors are there in halo 5 for your armor ... only 2 Red and Blue. Yes there is a lack of PVE content like a warzone variant and heres the issue I have with this, when Josh Holmes said if theres enough demand they will make a PVE mode, funny thing is that there is a plethora of demand from the community for this mode yet 343 has not seem to care or they are keeping a tight lid on it... either way its not good because until I get a sign of PVE mode non of these upates are going to stir my interested not even the slightest... I heard theres some hammer coming to halo 5 yipeee don't care because again ill call in a Hammer REQ and go into warzone where I may get one kill with it because there 11 other Spartans who will turn there attention to me and try to kill me and well they will succeed and there goes a hammer wasted yet again like all my other high REQ stuff. Yea no PVE mode means I don't flipping care what new REQs and dumb skins along with the same maps with minor changes they bring out its seriously boring to me. Yea its like 343 makes a cool amror but goes lets make something on it look dumb so its not to cool. like its got a cool helmet but the armor has a dumb monster backpack on it like the atlas armor yea the back part is so ugly why 343 why that middle pat could have been taken out and it would have looked great.
  6. Updated the map and called it a different name and variant It can be found in the following info Author file share: ESPADAS03 Map Variant : Oni eyes BTB Game Mode Oni Ops BTB Check out some new stuff I scaled it down but stayed true to my large combat style Added telaporters to make travel faster yet still have them as random to prevent people from camping them. made the middle more fairly designed to allow both teams equal opportunity to grab the Spartan laser. Reduced the weapons focused on two power weapons on in each base and one at the middle kept some tier 2 weapons scattered in the map in key locations and in a improved design then before. finished the intro and outro scenes and added a greek inspired victory podium scene for the outro. Check out the pics below and go ahead and check the map ut with a few friends and leave some feedback please.
  7. So here is the latest shots of my updated map variant for Big Team Battle. and the info is down below so you guys can take a swing at it. Map Variant : Oni eyes BTB Game Type : Oni Ops BTB Author: ESPADAS03 I added teleporters for faster map movement they are hidden in the map except fr the bases those are visible but the hidden ones are marked by objects so just lok and see if you can find them.
  8. I re Did the map and it is in my file share Map type: BTB Oni BAse Game Mode: BTB Oni Base <1> I'm sure its not perfect but tis pretty fun looking and there's three focus points so no round will be the same old go to the middle hold the middle type of thing. On this map you can literally have multiple battle locations and still have to think utside the box to get then upper hand.
  9. I like that I haven't added teleporters yet which was one main thing I wanted, yea that middle was my main inspiration I wanted the bases to smallish as well, my main focus was vehicular combat I essentially wanted to add more warthogs and tanks I do think the pheaton is overkill but I wanted to give people the feel of all the vehicles to let them see which works best. I still want the map to be massive as I feel the current ones are way to small I'm thinking maybe narrow it down on the sides and push the bases closer as for weapons inwpuld appreciate having you guys help on that I wanted to make that ragnarock feel from halo 4 with each bass havig a sniper and the Spartan laser being in the middle. That underground part in the middle is also to.allow some form of defense against arial attacks while in the middle but left it wide open so you can't truly just hide out in there behind all kinds of cover And remember this a for fun map so no MLG should be applied to it leave that for thrbranked stuff essentially I want epic battles to take place. Kinda like ragnarock was And remember this a for fun map so no MLG should be applied to it leave that for thrbranked stuff essentially I want epic battles to take place. Kinda like ragnarock So my vision is major size map vehicle combat . I even had this idea of having a map where three different teams of 8 will go head to head imagine the enemy of my enemy is my friend except they can kill you too lol.
  10. I need people to help test the map i added a few things and some dangerous suprises
  11. This map dwarfs any other map set for Big Team Battle Just need to do some test runs and alos it is still a work in progress so I may make it public but there is not testing been done yet The seco nd picture is some mre work I have done to it.
  12. I wuld like to see a true PVE mode justa good old mode where one can be freeto blast AI with no fear of having there high level REQ blown up or taken away within a mere seconds of calling it in... Yes I'm still a bit bitter to the random teammate who ran me over with a ghost after egtt8gn a random weapon and behold it was non other then the norphang sniper... but yes Just some true PVE only mode I wuld say have players split into different locations having one set drop in via pelican as usual and the other half air insert behind enemy lines.
  13. So i received a message stating i was voted Top Member of the month, and i did not see that one coming, and to all the community i say thank you for the honor, i shall be on tommarow and continue placing many things on the forums and the shoutbox i look forward to the craxy shouts i see from others.
  14. So I was playing warzone and my team was obliterating the other team for once and my whol goal was to not only win for the daily req pack but also to get one legendary boss kill or an assist in order to get the one last kill I needed for the achievement. well tank master Rok rolls around and he is a pretty easy legendry boss, so I bust out my rail gun and wait till his health is half depleted I start to unload with the rail gun and finally he goes boom and at the bottom of my screen it says Legendary Boss Takedown and I'm goal oh yea got it the last one so I don't pay attention to killing any other legendary bosses and focus more on killing the other team as they try to get the kill, which innturn grants my team the kill and no random DMR shot in sight from red team lol. Well at this point I'm expecting 3 REQ cards for my hard work and what do I get one yes one REQ card I didn't get credit towards this commendation for that kill yup the game basically said well you only need one but we are not going to give it to yu since by ding this you will receive two req Cards one for the commendation and one for completing the warzone commondations so now I'm not even going to try anymore since know it wont give it to me at all. Just one more reason warzone has giving me the shaft on something.
  15. I picked it up in a combo pack with the magnum I'm thinking about heading back and grabbing the needler, I also saw that there is a carbine rifle as well.
  16. heres what like 300 k worth of REQ points gets you yes I saved them up and sold a good amount of crap
  17. I'm thinking of just hording them for now until I use all my arena and warzone boost then after that I'll spend them perhaps I'll get to 200k.
  18. So i wonder if i have collected the most REQ points so far
  19. I would not get bored of this mode because i wont be playing it from 8 am to 8 pm all day long, thats the point of a casual plalist its catored towarss those who come home form work and want to throw n halo and blast with a few friends without the pressure of fighitng an opposing team or the story driven prowess of campaign play. now if you say well for those of us ho play serious i s say this theres arena nd warzone go play serious there. Yes im aware warzoje is more for casul but lets be honest no one is playing casual there, to many times you have teams who over power the other team and take it super serious So with a PVE mode these people who play to humiliiate the other team and defet people and tbag them will have almost no purpose here and in that sense those who play halo for just simple fun will have a sanctuary free of people who want to ruin there fun by taking the game way to serious. As of right now warzone has lost its luster due to a number of things, one of them being the so called tryhards who come in and play it as if its a ranked mode where they must be over powering and suck all the fun out of it for casual gamers. IF you say that a firefight mode would get boring then thats probably because your not for the mode so just stay out of this entirely if it does not apply to you and go play arena or warzone and worry about ranked stuff and not about things that effect you... see the thing is with alot of its luster going away more and more people who just want a casul mode will eventually eave halo due to the number of poeple who take playig a video game way to serious and take any fun they can away from casual gamers. Besides they are making a PVE mode its going to take a bit to implement but it is in the works because there is a high demand for it therefore hey why not if people want it why not make it and trust me people do want it it may not be you but theres others who do and honestyl it wont effect you since you will still be playing yur playlist and enjoy your style of gaming it just means you wont have as many casual types coming into the arena mode and probably not taking the game serious enough to move tactically. Becaus eihave seen people complain that theres casual players ruining arena for them so ehy why not give them a full on out causal no pressure ultra competative mode where people can go in and play have fun type mode. See me if we captuee the flag or win the match sometimes so in that sense that ruins it for alot of people but i want to play halo still there for a PVE would be perfect. and there more MLG style guys wont have complants because we wont actually play in the same playlist. unless i so choose to go there. and if they come into y playlist they wont be in a place wheree they have to watch there back constantly for the other team. This will truly be the perfect playlist for people who just want to sit lazily on the couch throw some halo on play like 4 rounds then go to bed and go to work the next day of for college students who hve finals to study for and want a simple mode to get a break from studying all night long. I call it the lazy spartan playlist because 90 percent of the time im just to damn lazy to try in halo 5 and feel like each mode has its pressure of hurry and get hre and get there and get over there and shoo this guy and shoot that guy. What i missed about firefight was how i could take it slow you know it wsnt so fast paced rushing me from here to there type it was a very laid back just sniper fsome bad guys and relax. thats wjhat casual playlist is for me and several other people a mdoe where i could relax and not have palmer screaming at me or Story driven campaign dialog plus i could have a choice to be another color other the red or blue suh as in free for all mode except its not a kill the other spartan mode. this would also be a good way to introduce p,aying as elites for those want to play as elites as well.
  20. I feel like halo 5 is only for the MLG community and for casual dont care about competition style gaming we get warzone and nothing else which in the end is still competative style just with crazyness thrown in but we need a tryhard free place to play and something along the lines of a PVE mode would be that, because w cant stop try hards from playing in warzone and destroying the casual gamers but we can make a mod whre they don't have other players to obliterate therefore they may just stay out and leave the casual gamers be to there enjoyment but I fel like people don't want a mode in halo where some random kid can hop on and enjoy the game nope they want everyone to convet to these screaming in there mics super overly tactical kids on some video game but for me I want it to be just that a video game and would prefer ammode that flourished that. I'm tird of same old red vs blue scenarios and throw some AI in it and oh that's casual right Yea i totally agree with you like have some sort of defens thing but keep it asual as always but yea campaign also has no replay value since other then some achievements you dont actually get anything in forms of unlocks req points of commendations you just yea i played the campaign again, Hers my mentality wiht campaign i would love to play it again except the time i spend playing campaign i could be earning req points to get more cool **** you know.
  21. SO Josh holmes once said if we made enough noise we would get a PVE only mode and heres the thing iv seen people want it like crazy but havent gotten any kind of response you know so far almot every single person iv ran into in warzone and arena agree a new larger form of firefight or PVE warzone mode would be fantastic annd would be a great break from the always cmpetative kill the other team style of playing or being placed inn a co o story driven linear game mode such as campaign mode. {lus we would be able to use our own spartan and have our own spartans colors as well . and not be forced to be just blue team or osiris. tyour thoughts
  22. SO Josh holmes once said if we made enough noise we would get a PVE only mode and heres the thing iv seen people want it like crazy but havent gotten any kind of response you know so far almot every single person iv ran into in warzone and arena agree a new larger form of firefight or PVE warzone mode would be fantastic annd would be a great break from the always cmpetative kill the other team style of playing or being placed inn a co o story driven linear game mode such as campaign mode. {lus we would be able to use our own spartan and have our own spartans colors as well . and not be forced to be just blue team or osiris. tyour thoughts
  23. So Johs Holmes once tweeted that theu didnt have plans for a PVE warzone mode which is basically 24 man firefight or 12 man firefight but it woyuld be like aan epic larhge scake battle of spartans vs AI enemies coming at you in hordes and in all kinds of crazyness imagine battling multiple wraiths and promethians but since this is halo 5 and the promethians and covies hate each other it would be ypu battling enemies that are als battling and you would have ti defend places and attack places. but alos work as a combined unit to win OH MAN so lets go0 on twitter and make some noise and perhaps here too.
  24. the user name os adrian espadas and the bundle only comes with the silver controller and no visor code as well.
  25. Thank you very much I had that as a vision and just went with it. Thank you I actually moved the LED light further up so the front of the xbox is more visible plus when you alk up to look at it it hits the right angles and makes the blue shine more.
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