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Everything posted by Gwizzly

  1. My Gt: Gwizzly i was playing and after the game it says ive been banned -.- , im lvl 48 5k xp from 49 , theres not much information to provied -.-
  2. I got 28 kills and the other people got 16 max and i only won by 15 points , im more skilled but someone that is less skilled can kill me and get a 50 point bounty and catch up and potentially win? Stupidest game mode ive ever played. i won but its not the point , the point is i can potentially lose to ****ty players cause the game type is re-donkulous
  3. So i reached the cap yestarday the 11th , and now its midnight i played 3 games got XP and now im getting no experience , can a admin look at my account im extremely pissed off
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