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  1. Halo 4 sucks. Here's a list, and I could careless if any of you at 343 read it, because these will be my final moments ever talking about halo. Lets look at reasons why Halo 2 is better than Halo 4 1 Competitive multi player. a concept that you have completely neglected due to lazyness. You took out ranked playlists, and add....nothing! Instead, you decide to hidden rank social playlists Excellent! Now, since I am better than most my friends, we can't play together. Because they go 5 and 23 every single game. They are new to the franchise, and sadly, a couple of them are pawning the game to get Black Ops 2. Now you claim rank playlists were removed due to boosting. NEWSFLASH- nobody cares about boosters. They hurt no one. What ever happened to the Bungie Banhammer? Ill tell you what happened. You dont care anymore about the customer obviously. Either that, or you all are too lazy to do something about it. 2 Clan Match- Halo 2 had the most epic feature of all, minor and major clan match, which you took away. Thanks for that. Instead of playing online clan matches via matchmaking, we all have to sign up for that garbage Gamebattles Nothing like disputing matches for weeks too come. Or getting D/Q'd because of kill cams lol. 3 Bungie.net leader boards- You took away your leader boards. I remember playing back in the day. I think it was every Friday night cheaters were banned. Why doesn't this happen now? Why do you let the few ruin the leader boards for the rest of us? 4 These retarded perks. Jet packs, invisibility, thrusters. I feel like were bounty hunters, not Spartans. 5. Team objective-where the hell did the bomb game types go? 6. Halo Waypoint- GTFO. Bungie.net was much better. I could continue to complain, but I'd rather head back to bed. Black Ops 2 is coming out tomorrow, and i heard they have finally created a competitive ranking system. Looks like ill be pawning halo as well For the record, I hate COD. But there are no other worthy games out there. Thanks for prostituting yourself to MLG. Frankie, I hate you.
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