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  1. I'm talking about the way you look at them "changing color paint." Like that rainbow kind. If you can figure out what I mean by that, but I think you already know. Its been fuj reading through this thread btw lol
  2. Geez you are smart sir. Ok got a riddle: How can you build 4 pig pens, to hold 9 pigs, while having an odd number in each pen? And a question: What is the science behind color change paint jobs on cars/trucks?
  3. So I have to start off by saying, 343i, I am very pleased with this game. I love all of the new features that have been added, as well as keeping a lot of stuff the same as reach, which was the halo game that I played the most before now. I was kinda disappointed when I saw that team swat wasn't available, but am very glad that we will be getting it in an update. I also like the juggernaut ffa variation, regicide. What I am now hoping for is that we will get multi team in a later update, as that is also another favorite of mine. So yea ill just stop there before I start to ramble on, but 343 keep it up! You are doing an amazing job with this game.
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