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Posts posted by Bake

  1. The dmr just has no Cons compared to the battle rifle and covenant carbine ( both have more limited range than the dmr ) while the dmr can shine in all areas of play close,mid,far the only pro of the battle rifle i can find over the dmr is a melee+headshot is a tad easier on the battle rifle but thats pretty minimal. the dmr seems to be the safest pick of all the starting weapons and i agree could probably use a fire rate nerf to make it's long range still shine but lower it's close+mid abit.

  2. i am also experiencing the same issues as fadinphoenix, the games says the servers are not available at this time and i cannot access spartan ops either and my pre order armor and some unlocks are unvailable. this issue has happened to me before but cleared up after a few minutes however today i have been waiting for 3+ hours and still have this problem. ( i tried restarting my modem and xbox multiple times and no fix) i am wondering if this problem occured because of the playlist update earlier...would really like to play some halo 4 :cat:

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