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Everything posted by Vikoon

  1. Alright I have to say how ridiculous alot of the match making dailies are yet again. This one honestly takes the cake though. You want people to win 20 Slayer matches in 1 day for a whopping 1350 bonus XP. And yet the monthly is 75 wins in any type of match for 15000 XP. Who is making these dailies and why can they not do simple math? The easier dailies are almost always worth much more bonus XP than the difficult ones. Can somebody enlighten me or I am one of the only people who seems to notice this?
  2. Love Halo 4 as well. Not saying reach wasn't fun, but me and my friends are all playing Halo 4 and enjoying it. Actually a few have even come back from COD Black Ops 2 saying they would rather play this game.
  3. So I was hoping to log in and find a new exciting monthly challenge for my friends and I to complete and all we get is the exact same thing. Except now it is only 70 Kills for a 15000XP payout. Before you had 117 kills for 17650 XP. So for completing an additional 47 matches that was worth an additonal 2.5K XP? Who is doing the math around XP Bonuses and who is in charge of the creative assignments, because to me alot of these numbers and repetitive challenges are kind of weak. Love the game but I dislike the way daily, weekly and monthly challenges are done. Just seems like they are slapped together. Anybody else feel this way at all???
  4. So pathetic. Gotta love the "I'm secure with being a cheater" generation.
  5. No doubt! It is actually unreal that they expect us to win 7 or 9 of any match for a daily. I would say that 5 wins is more than enough for any game type for a daily. You are right about the XP as well. It is what... 2750 or something like that. Ya so I am going to pound CTF for 9 wins just to get a pathetic amount of XP in return. Nothing like all the people that betray their own Flag Carrier so that they can get the capture. It is a good thing that I play this with a few friends most of the time or I might have hung this game up already due to all the betrayals.
  6. Vikoon

    Dominion Fail

    I have been killed by an ordanance drop as well. My buddy actually saw it happen and he was laughing hysterically. I was like WTF??? Kind of funny but a little strange I guess. I also have had an ordanance spawn in my grenade path before and watch it throw the grenade off to the side for a total miss. Not sure what to think of it but it seems to be very rare that it happens.
  7. I must concur on this. Doing this only makes people team up and enter regicides to try and get this ridiculous weekly done. I don't think the purpose of regicides is for people to group up and work together to be like "Hey man, lets just keep killing each other in the same spot and we can get this done". I am actually very dissapointed with alot of the dailies / weeklys. I think the other one is 80 regicides for a weekly. Pretty funny that you make 80 for a weekly and expect people to get 18 in one match. Come on 343, you have to realize how strange and unbalanced these weeklys are.
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