No.. The DMR is OP.. The weapons dont stay on the ground long enough.. There are several places which you can shoot through rocks and buildings and get a red cross hair.. ( this is how i beat Legendary solo )... You cant veto a map!!!... You dont have enough time to select a load out ... The team killing goes unpunished.. The ghosts are very unstable ..( hit a minor object and wreck or lose control).. It makes you watch animation sequences when activating buttons.. They took out firefight.. The single best thing for solo non internet having people to play. Spartian ops is a sad replacement.. The specialization's are just another reason for boosters to boost.. Theater mode... wont even go there.. not enough CQC maps.. NO BETA .... they should have had a beta.. we would be much better off today.. Kill streaks.. again.. encourage campers with a reason to camp.. Halo was a CQC game with some Big maps in the rotation to mix it up.. Now its a Brat worst and hotdog camp fest on 90% of the maps. people dont get punished for exiting games .. i could go on , but im gonna go stand in line for BO.2.. at least there camping is expected.. and there is always a gun or perk to counter the other..