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Everything posted by ProSkillz0109

  1. Some are exclusive to preorders like i got C.I.O from amazon and people got oceanic from Game. If you preorderd, check you emails
  2. I recently bought the Halo 4 Limited Collectors Edition and i am having trouble with the exclusive DLC armour. On other halo games the armour shared on the console to every other account including offline but with halo 4, only I am seeing the DLC armour and skins. I spoke to microsoft support chat yesterday and they said i need it being converted from single access to multi access. I am very happy with the game so far but me and my brother split the cost of the game not knowing about the DLC armour used ingame. We knew about the avatar armour and not fussed about it but not knowing that it was single account only has ruined the game for him and needs to me ammended ASAP please.
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