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Everything posted by FroztyIzSyko

  1. So I know SWAT made a come back so I would assume other playlists are to follow. Are they rotating them weekly or will they stay permanently? I sure hope they don't rotate.
  2. Well if they make a ranking system like that you said 1-50 based on skill and not time played, I will be extremely thrilled and love 343 forever.
  3. I like how you disagreed with my statement and gave no justification behind it. "You're wrong just because...", totally makes sense. I didn't say every aspect was like COD now, but there are many similarities which make it more like COD.
  4. A hidden mmr sounds very similar to what Blizzard has been doing with it's competitive play. So when are the mmrs no longer going to be hidden? And I don't hate this game by any means, it definitely is an improvement and I have faith in 343 honestly.
  5. Come later? No, you clearly don't understand the point. Right now, it is solely based on experience gained, aka everything is a social game type. There is no evidence that suggests actual ranked playlists will be implemented into Halo 4. They essentially added a prestige system with the new specializations and this is based on experience.
  6. The competitiveness is not back, anyone can achieve max skill by logging in hours of play, but in previous games like H3 and H2 even, it was not like that. I've played about 200 games now and I just want a real ranking system because it gives you an attainable goal that you can achieve only if you play well, but right now anyone can achieve max level. I was not saying the actual gameplay wasn't competitive, let me clarify. During an actual match, there is a competitive feeling to a certain degree, I will admit that which is an improvement from Reach, but the overall system is not competitive because it encourages mindless COD playing in my opinion. I don't want them to change the gun power or anything, just the ranking system, and by the way I could care less if the DMR is OP, I use the BR and always will.
  7. "While they have brought in elements that were featured in COD and other games, the game does not feel like COD at all. It feels more like halo 3 then I could ever have imagined". This couldn't be more wrong at all. Yes Halo 4 is way better than reach, but Halo 3 multiplayer destroys this....by far. The game has turned into COD practically, custom loadouts, killstreaks, kill cam, join in progress...must I go on? Granted I hate most of these aspects because they take away the competitiveness and skill from the game, I do enjoy the factor that I start with a BR every single time, that is a definite improvement, but sadly besides that..... Frozty
  8. Seriously I stopped reading after you started complaining about campaign difficulty. If it's too hard for you, then either change the setting to normal or easy, or get better. Why should they lower all the skill caps because you want to feel good about yourself beating the game on heroic? I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, but I enjoyed beating the game on legendary solo because it extremely difficult. I beat it the first time with a friend on normal, but I highly doubt heroic is harder than it should be. There is a reason it is considered heroic, it is slightly more challenging than normal but easier than legendary.
  9. I completely agree with the point that the H3 ranking system was superior. You actually had to have some skill to rank up, but now, it's just feels like mindless of hours of crap to level up just like COD. People say, "I play casually, and don't think that a ranking system is fair". The easy solution is that since you more than likely are not as good, you will not achieve the highest rank and they can also have social game types along the ranked ones. While in Halo 4, it is much easier to blend players of different skill levels together, from amazing to terrible players which bores me. Please update and bring a real ranking system. You can still add the same game types for social game types of course. Frozty
  10. Halo 4 multiplayer is not completely horrendous, but it definitely does not live up to the Halo 3 multiplayer and anyone who thinks it does is wrong. I really wish they would implement a true ranking system again, it gives each game meaning and therefore makes the game competitive. I know a few of you think Halo 4 is competitive, but honestly it's a joke in that aspect. Overall I do like it, but by allowing players to join late in a game, you are promoting quiting early from matchmaking. For example, in Halo 3 if you quit a ranked match, you more than likely were going to lose ranking unless your team won without you which is less likely. This promoted a competitive game and people did not quit out games nearly as much as they do now. Overall, this is way better than Reach, but add competitiveness and remove late game joining please. I want to fall in love with playing this game online, but without the competitive aspect, I'm already getting a little bored. I would love to hear anyones comments concerning these aspects of the multiplayer. Don't even get me started with campaign, I beat it with my friend in 4 hours and 6 hours on legendary....way too short. Frozty
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