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Aspects of H4 that make it seem like it's attempting to be CoD...
Vexx303 replied to Vexx303's topic in General Discussion
I understand the game needs to change and move forward, but they didnt do amazing IMO..Like I said before, they added what they wanted and disregarded balance (It DOES add more fun and challenge to multiplayer, but it doesnt change the fact of the matter); Promethean weapons are new, all OP compared to their counter-parts, the Mantis is new, also OP. Most of the "hard, original" work they put into the game has been done FOR THEM already...The character was developed, & the story has been written, Multiplayer has been established...They just fill in the inbetweens, and do minor adjustments which doesnt seem like much... Spartan Ops, their only "Real" contribution to the Halo Series, is Episode based...Obviously we're only on "Season 1", but if they expect people to Pay the "Season Pass" method in the future to get access to the other episodes, they're going to be let down hard...The only thing interesting in Spartan Ops is the Video(s)... I dont think Anyone liked Armor-Lock in Reach, but I didnt think it was too bad, it had it's purposes and the such, but ehh...It was still a somewhat decent game-changer; I guess 343 didnt like it either, so It was replaced with the Hardlight shield...This is useless unless you're at long range and have something close by to hide behind, (Sadly, this AA also helps those horrible DMR campers)...At close range you can literally run through the shield and just hit someone in the face. I thought the "Evade" skill from reach was AMAZING...I mean I'm a Spartan, I can flip a truck with my hands, why cant I perform a Barrel Roll with my legs? They took that out and replaced it with a "Jet-Boost" that cant even evade a grenade blast half the time...Not only that but when you Thrustt, you do this "Stop", then thrust, and "Stop" again...So you're really vulnerable before and after the boost...What was wrong with keeping Evade? Good job with adding sprint as a constant ability though, it should of never been an armor ability, simply because "if you can run, you can run faster"... Since Evade is now gone, and considering we're "Moving Forward"...I'd personally like to see some sort of sliding mechanic in the future...So if you're sprinting, and crouch, you can slide a VERY short distance. Maybe it'd be a bad idea, I obviously cant test it out in my head...but it just seems like it'd add more variety; Most times when you're sprinting someone is going to get the first shot(s) on you...This could be a major game changer/even the playing field a little. (Obviously you'd have to be sprinting to use it...) Consider the added perk it'd have when you run around a corner and see someone aiming at you...currently, depending on the player's skill, you cant do anything except jump and/or die since you're "Weapon-blocked" during that period...(Which kinda makes sense) I dont know how the slide would ultimately play out, but it seems like it could make SWAT more fun...Maybe it'd be a bad thing in other modes...who knows. I still really like the game overall, I'm just bothered by the fact that it's their first game with the Series, and they didnt "Ease" their way into it, they just shoved all kinds of changes into the game and said "You're welcome"... Take it for what it is... -
Aspects of H4 that make it seem like it's attempting to be CoD...
Vexx303 replied to Vexx303's topic in General Discussion
I guess I spoke too soon...There's a list of things that bother me: This game needs work BADLY...Multiplayer is fun, but obviously the Promethean weapons arent balanced, not that I really care...You can chalk it up as "Adding to the random challenge" However, this "Spartan Ops" is ridiculous. 4 Episodes in and I have not seen the Spartan I created once...Not even "Passing by" in a hallway or something...You have ZERO interaction with any characters actually in the "Story"...there's a voice in the background that tells you what to do, that's pretty much it. Even at the end of Mission 5, Ep 4 when "Majestic" touches down, you only see a Pelican, which you've seen in every other spartan Ep... Half the time the missions dont make sense; Battle from point A to B on this map, then battle your way back just because you need an "Extraction" from a Pelican that apparently cant fly the additional 100 meters to pick you up... "I know you've cleared out Sniper Alley 100 times 'Crimson' but we forgot to secure the area and now we need to go back, so here clear the area again for Spartan Ops week 4"...ALSO, even though your goal was to "Grab something" you're ALWAYS required to kill everything...Even when you're supposed to "Chase someone through a portal"... Promethean Knight hit boxes are "Broken"...80% of the times you hit them in the back, they laugh, turn around and then 1 shot you...The missions are constantly re-used like they're "New" places (I'm not 10, In game 'Voice Acting' saying it's a differnet place isnt going to convince me.) - I understand re-using SOME maps because no one wants to download more every week...but I'm 100% positive there was alot more variety in Campaign, and even JUST A PIECE of some of the maps in campaign could have been used and "Forge blocked" a little to add variety... ...The only way to possibly describe how spawning was done is: "By someone who has never played an FPS"...In Multiplayer, you constantly spawn in enemy line of sight..in Spartan Ops & Multiplayer, you spawn on your ally regardless of them being in a safe zone or not...Someone on the GameFaqs forums stated he actually got a Kilimanjaro on a 4v4 map... Apparently ALL enemy AI can see you while you're cloaked with the armor ability...not just ones with "Promethean Vision"...Also, why doesnt Enemy AI have any sort of Intelligence? It'd be interesting if the Enemy AI would of gotten into the Mantis' during the Two Giants mission...or any vehicle that they clearly had access to for that matter... They dont "Get into" any vehicles...The only way they're in vehicles is if the game spawns the vehicle with them in it or a ghost spawns next to them...Also all the AI ALWAYS knows where you're at and in combat only seems to "Mad rush" for you (They know nothing else...Probably why they consistantly shoot at you even after you're dead.)...What are you really capable of doing with 20 Elites "Bee-Lining" towards you? and when did all covenant learn to randomly jump 20ft in the air? Spartan Ops is also a "Grind-Fest" you just die repeatedly until you've killed all the enemies...Mostly because the odds of 500:1 are in no way feasible... Spartan IV's arent anything close to the Spartan II's but my Spartan IV makes Master Chief look like a chump: When I go into a single Spartan Ops match and according to Palmer, "I Make **** happen"...So 1 Spartan IV vs 150+ enemies and I always win...? Be more realistic...Also the AI amount should be based on the amount of players in the match...Especially considering half the time when 10 elites jump out of a drop ship, they all seem to have fuel rod cannons...Why? Who could possibly think this would be cool? On legendary it only takes 1 fuel rod round to kill you...So 20 elites with fuel rod cannons?...There's a 30+ death game... On a side note; What happens when the Servers are shut down? Spartan Ops is only playable "Online"...Which seems to lag the majority of the time anyway... TL;DR : Spartan Ops only seems to suck. Promethean Knights are Broken Promethean Weapons **** on all Balance. AI is broken & stupid...emphasis on the stupid. Also not going to proof read cause I dont care that much...Just venting a bit cause after playing through the 5 levels release this week, I BORINGLY grinded through rougly 500 enemies to accomplish nothing and still have not felt any immersion in the story... Some say Reach sucked, but I disagree...The "Acting" and "Characters" in Reach were weak, but you cant argue the fact that our characters were actually there. Spartan Ops is the equivalent of me watching and episode of Red vs Blue and then playing a game in Matchmaking, thinking the Red v Blue cast are some of the people in the lobby... -
Yeah, I'm not sure...Just know that it seemed a bit odd the way it snapped around...especially near the time he almost 180'd it and hit that warthog...But aim assist does some weird things even with weapons/turrets, so why not with vehicle weapons?
Went against a couple players that seemed to be in a group; players names were V8 & Virus Rot. Virus Rot ended up scraping in 32(?) kills the first match...and I think around 15(?) the second before leaving...I think he was using an Aimbot though, and so I recorded some of it... I was going to upload it, but I guess fileshare isnt working on the forums?...If you guys want to check out my fileshare, on the xbox, it's the file called "Aim bot?"... GT: xVexx303x While he did miss a couple of shots, he hits alot of the shots and it doesnt seem that he's aiming there initially, it could be the Aim Assist, but in the first game, as well as this second game he adjusted fire quite a distance fast enough to hit quite a few people last second and his cam seemed to be jumping around and landing on some people in an odd way. Might just be the lag and he's not using an Aimbot, but I really cant tell. Also, why isnt there also a Gauss Hog on the red side to even things up?
A punishment system would be bad right now...Not only are people having issues with being banned for AFK and "Too much EXP" cause they stole all the EXP Codes, but the servers are ****ty sometimes. In one game, Team RED was winning, and so people started leaving Team BLUE. After 4 People from Team BLUE left, the game pulled me and a friend from Team RED and placed us on Team BLUE (The Losing team.), shortly after that I lagged out of the game and when I rejoined the game was literally black screening/host changing every 10 seconds.
Actually, you do; You 'hold down' the Melee for an Assissination, you 'Tap Melee' for a beat down... Also "FaTaL" , no one decided you make the rules, last I checked... A "KILL" is a "KILL", about the only thing you got right. An "Assist" is NEVER a Kill, if it was, a point would go into the "Kill" Space instead of having it's own "Assist" column. Also, a "BEAT DOWN" is NOT an Assassination. It's a CLEAR Assassination only when the game says Assassination. I.E, there were no "Assassinations" in Halo before Reach, simply because there were no "Animations". Also, you dont get an Assassination Medal for a "Beat Down". Pro-Tip: Naming someone's place in their last "10" matches doesnt mean anything. In my last 10 matched, I tried dominon for the first time, tried CTF, and then lagged through about 3 games of swat before giving up on it. Some days I play well, some days I dont. Also playing with "Randoms" AND the map you're playing have an effect on how you play. When I play with my friends, we usually win those games, and I go easily 10+ for K/D, regardless of the place I "Landed" compared to the rest of the players. 9 times out of 10 the person being Assassinated isnt going to be saved, so move on and get your own kill. It takes effort to get an Assassination, and hurts their pride...I usually only go for an Assassination when someone makes me mad, or they're obviously afk...Stealing an Assassination from another player only helps the person getting assassinated because they didnt take that hit to their pride.
Maybe it hasnt reached CoD status yet as far as "What it aspires to be", but there's no denying that from Reach to H4, the game adopted alot from the CoD Layout: Some Being: 1. Ordanance 2. Kill-Cams 3. Load-Outs 4. Double Exp from Mountain Dew While the game doesnt feel exactly like a PoS CoD game, it doesnt change the fact that it took a BIG step in that direction with the change of developers...Does this mean that the game will further travel down that road in future games? I hope not. Eitherway, I can look past a couple of these issues, the two big ones that bother me most are Kill-Cams and the Mountain Dew thing... First up: Kill-Cams are completely unnecessary, and in my opinion should be removed. No Halo game has had them prior, and they shouldnt start now. The only "Benefit" to kill cams is that they help you identify if someone was cheating or not, and since EVERYTHING seems to be tracked in your Service Record it's kinda unnecessary. Next up: Why Mountain Dew? CoD has Mountain Dew already, and I dont know about you guys, but I'm a healthy person, I work out and I dont eat/drink chips and soda. Is it that hard to put codes on stuff that's not going to further contribute to the growing trend of "obese society"? Are developers under the assumption that all gamers are fat basement dwelling nerds with social issues? Spartans are suposed to be "Bad-Ass", the H4 advertisement for Doritos and Mountain-Dew clearly advertised a Spartan working out while persuading you to get some Doritos and M-Dew...Why? I guarantee that you wont be doing alot of anything but getting fat if you consumed those products consistantly on a regular bases... My point being is that if "Spartans" are supposed to be bad ass, why not take the chance to put the double exp codes on something healthier like Gatorade or Bottled Water? Most of the kids on Xbox Live already have issues, I doubt they need to be jacked up on Mountain-Dew or Diabetes as well, just my two cents.