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l Xenoes l

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Posts posted by l Xenoes l

  1. It's a similar system to Halo 3 and it works. Don't go into ranked games with Randoms if you want to advance. If you're on here then you have access to and know how to use forums. Go on other sites and find people of similar skill. Add people to your friends list that you play with/against that are good. If you're getting the stats you claim to get then those people will have no issue partying up with you. It's called being social.

  2. So simply because you didn't like the ending and you didn't get what you wanted or anything as far as you're concerned, they ruined Halo? Just because you beat the campaign on Legendary doesn't mean you deserve anything. Yeah it would've been a nice added perk but, it doesn't entitle you to anything. And it's THEIR game, they can do whatever they want to the story. It's just like a movie. You usually end on a cliff hanger to setup the story for the next game. While I don't like the direction they took with Cortana, it is what it is and I don't like how little Blue Team was used. But, that doesn't mean they ruined Halo. 


    People have this messed up conception that Devs have to make games how THEY want them to. Is it your IP? Do you own the rights to it? No you don't so get over it. Yeah the community can make suggestions and voice their dislikes about certain aspects of the game and they will be followed to a degree if the series is to survive.



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  3. I think most if not all the skulls will return. Maybe not some of the H2A specific ones but, a lot that appeared in MCC will be in H5. Made the campaign fun if you're just messing around. And they could easily do what was done in MCC if they're activated and simply deactivate achievements for campaign completion..

  4. Hmm that's odd. You could try going onto Halowaypoint.com and check your service record there for MCC and see if the scores you earned in game match up with their records. Sometimes they don't always post to the leader boards and don't unlock. That would be my first step. Past that though I'm unsure. Could try the Help forums on that site as well. They might be able to help you better.


    One thing, your title says par times but, your post says scores so I'm not sure which you're talking about. Anyway I looked up your service record and you don't have a score posted for Cairo Station. So try redoing that level and meet the par score and maybe it'll unlock.

  5. I'm surprised that people knew what you were talking about with this tremedous lack of explaination...


    Guardian was the only map with that kind of call out. Not really hard to figure out really since he posted it in Halo 3 forums.

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  6. I'm fine with AR starts as long as it's not on a map that it mid to long range. There isn't always that many DMRs/BRs on a map at any given time so how is it fair when there's only a hand full of them and there's 8 total people in the game? If even one team gets majority of them and can hold those spots down.....games over. 

  7. I'm totally be up for something like this. :)


    It generally just adds more content to the game especially for people with no Gold.


    But because it discourages people from getting Gold, I don't see MS wanting 343 to do it.


    I don't see it discouraging people from getting Gold. If they don't already have it, I doubt they' get it because of a single game. It would help with sales though because then people who DON'T want to get gold will buy the game because they could play matches with bots.

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  8. I don't really see the reason they even have so many colors for your armor when the only time you even get to really see it, is during FFA game types. When 90% of the games you play are team based. I doubt something like this would ever be implemented though which sucks.

  9. Anyone else like the idea of being able to unlock or even have the option right away to have a color wheel for your visor to make it any color you want instead of having preset colors/shades? Maybe even be able to change the color of our HUD depending on the color of our visor. I'd love to have this as an option.

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  10. You know... That actually sounds like a darn good idea.

    Though keep in mind, Halowaypoint forums aren't the best place to host that kind of contest...


    I wouldn't want it to be like a post but, a different page on the website and if it was to be a post, it would be made by a moderator or a member of 343i with a link to all the entries and an option for them all. Only reason I suggested Waypoint is because from what I've seen there's a lot more active users there then there is here.

  11. I don't think you should be demoted for losing. Why should I go down a rank when there's 1-2 people on my team who can't pull their weight or decide to throw the game because I took the Sniper Rifle or the Rockets when they wanted them? No you shouldn't rank up though. It should be similar to how H3's ranking worked. You can only rank up so far with EXP but to get to the top you have to increase your ranked in the ranked playlists. That was pretty good at keeping similarly ranked players together. Except when boosting and deranking became a thing and selling 50's. But, it's better then just needing EXP to get to the top level. Cause then you never know how good someone is tell they play.

  12. It's happened multiple times. It seems to mainly happen when 343i does major updates to MCC. It just recently happened during the last major update to MM. I'm sure it will happen again when they do the ODST and Relic update. Idk if you can get your rank back though. It would probably just be easier to play more games and earn it again. 9 doesn't take too long to get.

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