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l Xenoes l

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Everything posted by l Xenoes l

  1. They were in the wrong. Just because your buddy didn't get into the gunner doesn't mean you should just go park it to try and get your buddy in it. I play with a bunch of friends all the time and if a random gets in the gunner for the gauss then we just drive.
  2. Yes that's what I'm using and I know it does that. It's because they're on the same frequency. The AfterGlow controller is wired and says I have a mic in but, doesn't pick up my voice at all.
  3. I don't care about people using SO to hit SR 130 for instance. I don't see the big problem with it. Cause it shows it in their service record so it's not like they're fooling anybody. It's sad yes but, maybe they suck at War Games so they just go play SO for fun.
  4. First off, welcome to the forums. I've seen a lot of people on here wanting Big Team Battle back. It's something that is very desired. Being able to pick the specific objective game I want to play is nice but, I liked the big team games with random objective game types. I enjoy extraction as well but, that's only in Crimson DLC and that playlist never has a decent sized population.
  5. The AR does require a lot of skill to use. Have to be able to out play people using a mid to long range weapon which isn't always easy depending on the map you're on. You have to pick your fights a lot more carefully because if you get double teamed then your chances of being able to kill even just one of the players isn't very good. Using grenades wisely is also key when it comes to using the AR effectively. I'm on the last tier for the AR; I'm only on 176/1000 so it's gonna take a bit. I can't wait to have it done but, I'll be sad when I do cause then it'll be back to using the BR/DMR and every game being the same long range camp fest. I long for the old days of Halo 3 where the AR was up there with the best weapons of the game and the game had an equal amount of long range and CQC type battles. Now it's about 80/20.
  6. For some reason my X12's don't work with my AfterGlow 360 controller. The mic doesn't pick up my voice. It says I have a mic in. I tried it with one of my wireless controllers and it works but, it's unable to hold a charge so it always has to be plugged in so the X12's have a constant ringing sound cause of it. Is this a known problem that the X12's don't work with AfterGlow or is there something I can do to fix this?
  7. Team Doubles is making a much needed return on the 28th I believe. Same goes for Grifball.
  8. The thruster pack isn't like Evade mainly because when using evade you couldn't melee while rolling. And Evade was the same in every game type unlike the thruster where it's way OP compared to every other game type. If the ability to melee while thrusting was removed and all the customization before was brought back then it would be fine. And remove complex from rotation and add some community forge maps. The custom maps in Halo 3 and Reach is what made the game type fun.
  9. Those people are higher level for a reason. Because they put more time into the game and(this isn't always true) are usually better. See that's the problem with a lot of players in this game. Find it unfair that higher level people have more then they do because they're a lot lower rank. You have to earn things. A lot of players EXPECT to get everything right away. Next thing people are gonna start complaining that ordnance drops take to many points to earn. Those people of higher rank have the extra options because they're higher rank. Stop demanding everything be handed to you.
  10. Would have to say Xbox. I started back on the NES and SNES but, I was just a kid then and couldn't fully grasp the concept of the games I was playing or get the amount of enjoyment or entertainment as I currently do with my 360. I had some good times with my PS2, Gamecube, and PS1 though. Same goes for the Dreamcast, which I'm sad that it didn't do as well as I'd hoped it would.
  11. For certain perks like the turret one, that's fine and all but, for others like being able to re-select a personal ordinance or have your vehicles survive longer, ect. then it would become unfair for players that don't have access to all of them yet. If it didn't apply to the perks that don't give you a huge upper hand on other players then I'd be all for it.
  12. This is why I stopped playing all the Infinity Slayer game types because of the Ordinance. Got annoying with people being able to get power weapons when ever just by getting kills or assists. In Halo 5 I would like to see this go away and go back to set weapon spawns.
  13. He should know this seeing as he's already picked 2 specializations prior to that.
  14. Don't think the NAT has anything to do with your problem. My NAT type is never open when playing Halo 4 and I never have connection issues besides the occasional host quitter. To try and fix the SR problem, reset your modem and router. That means turning them off completely and disconnecting their power cord for at least 5-10 minutes. Could also try re-installing disc 2.
  15. The guy's GT is Stallion83 and he has 1333 games played so he hasn't maxed them all.Some old games if you didn't play them around release time are un-complete able because of servers being shut down or content was never released even though the achievements were added.
  16. Same goes for the BR, it went from being a four shot to a five shot now.
  17. X07, X is for Xenoes which is the user name I used on XBC and 07 was the year I first played on XBC so I've used it ever since in Halo and CoD.
  18. It would be nice if it was brought back but, only if more dual wielding weapons are put into Halo 5. The three weapons in Halo 4 that are even capable of it aren't worth it.
  19. That's pretty sweet. Wish I had the time to do something like this. Would be a nice little project.
  20. Depends on the release price for me. If it's more then what I payed for my slim when it was first released then I'll wait till it drops to around that price range.
  21. I think Flood is the best just because there's a chance to get three in one game if you play it right.
  22. Nice video, was interesting to see that the plasma pistol can kill quicker then the bolt shot's single fire. Don't see why 343i made a commendation for getting kills with the plasma pistol though.
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