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l Xenoes l

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Everything posted by l Xenoes l

  1. No, they're the developers for a reason. Now if they wanted to do some kind of poll for release playlists then I'd be okay with it or give us a list of old game types and let us pick one that would for sure return on release day.
  2. MC in this game seemed like he talked a lot more and had more emotion then her normally did in previous games. It was weird at first but, it was good to see him actually talk and show emotion instead of just being some silent killing machine.
  3. All the Marines died in the first 5 minutes of the fight when I did that mission solo on legendary. The turrets are what saved my life. Don't think I could have done it without them.
  4. Halo 4 had a lot of flaws so I'm glad to see 343i had acknowledged this and plans to do better next time.
  5. I would hate the game if something like this was every added. Ghost Recon had limping and slower movement when injured and it was the stupidest thing I'd ever seen. Halo has been the one FPS that isn't realistic like CoD or BF and I love it!
  6. Unless they bring back the old weapons from Halo 3 I don't wanna see dual wielding brought back for just 3 weapons.
  7. It's neither a good or bad thing. There's a guy who's going for the first person to reach a one million gamer score and he has a full time job.
  8. The Elites aren't in multiplayer for a reason. And the Arbiter wasn't either because he wasn't involved with the events going on in Halo 4. Might see him in Halo 5 though. Just have to wait and see.
  9. Dominion on Vortex will always give you Promethean ordnance weapons. Especially the Binary Rifle and Incineration Cannon. Don't really know about the others. Rarely ever got them in Ordnance drops in anything besides Big Team Slayer or CTF.
  10. Bring the game back and just up the graphics. Leave everything else alone. Leave the glitches, keep all the same maps, don't make any new ones, and keep the dual wielding. No AA, no sprinting, no loud outs, and no perks. Just Halo 2 with better graphics. Would like some achievements for it as well.
  11. THIS!!! Loved torching people with this thing in Halo 3 and hearing their reactions
  12. I didn't have a problem with the NPC's being to weak. It would be nice if they had more health though. Having them as a gunner because they can't drive worth a damn, sucked because they never consistently fired and died fairly quick. I don't care about damage because they're still stupid, I would just want them to have more health. I mainly use them for distractions then actually killing enemies.
  13. Halo 2 was the last game where the Needler was allowed to be dual wielded. A lot of people were grateful for that(mainly cause of the triple wielding glitch with it).
  14. Being able to toggle the view would be a nice little addition if it was ever implemented. Sometimes it's all the small things that can make a game great.
  15. No, keep vehicles being able to betray. Then stupid drivers will learn to watch out for team mates. Can't count how many times I've been killed by an idiot team mate driving a wraith and just boosting into me or not paying attention to the radar and running me over.
  16. This is a community forum so the chances of them actually seeing this are slim to none and I highly doubt we'll see Infection return in Halo 4. Gonna have to wait and see when Halo 5 comes out. Hopefully they look at the past populations of Halo 3 and Reach's Infection playlist and compare it with Flood's to see how un-popular it is compared to how Infection was.
  17. It's always been like this. The Gunner get's all the glory while the person who deserves all the credit is the driver for keeping the people alive.
  18. Multi-Team. Wasn't on the list so I didn't vote.
  19. Flame Thrower, Brute Shot, Halo Reach Concussion Rifle, Hornet, Dual wielding along with the Mauler and Brute Spiker and Spike Grenade.
  20. It should have unlocked for you. If you go back to Episode select and view all chapters to see if they have a difficulty sign over it showing you beat it on that difficulty. There might be a few that are showing as uncompleted. Had this problem once where two chapters in episode 2 said uncompleted even though I know I beat them. Although you could just try going through them all on easy to make sure.
  21. If 343i were to change the jumping and make it more like CoD I'm sure almost all of the Halo community would be very upset. This is something that has been present in all of the Halo installments and it would ruin the game IMO.
  22. @Siubijeni, you make a very good point about Slaying. While I would prefer a Team Mate not playing Dominion solely to get kills because of how long the game is which allows them to rack up more then a Slayer game, I don't really mind a player Slaying to protect a base or to pick off Defenders so me and the rest of our Team can snag an easy Capture. And concerning the power vehicles like the Wraith, a lot of players don't have situational awareness when it comes to where Team Mates are and don't care about getting betrayals just to get a few kills. I love it though when they consistently take down Shield Doors and Turrets. This is very useful when it comes to rushing bases. Although I've seen a lot of players not play it safe and wonder to close to the enemies main base(either C or A) and get taken down in seconds by some type of heavy ordinance. @Vaulting Frog, I've also had a lot of losses happen because a few players on my team want the easy win to wipe out all players and wind up making us lose because they leave the middle base on-protected. Unless I have a power weapon or see more then 1-2 players in an enemies initial base capture I pass it by.
  23. Dominion on Exile and Flood was how I got most of my first strikes. Flood offers the chance to get 3 in one game and on Exile I always rushed rockets and went straight for Base C cause the enemy always goes for it. I would get first strike about 3 out of 5 times. SWAT is another easy way to get it especially on Haven because everyone pops out of their spawn to kill each other. Always try to be the first, yeah it's a risk but, if you're trying to get First Strikes then that's a risk you're going to have to take.
  24. Agree with everything but, the last point. This isn't CoD, you're a super soldier with far more stamina and strength then a regular human. It's something that let's you get the upper hand on people.
  25. Have this problem and I don't know how to fix it or make it so it doesn't make my other controller first player. I always just unplug it to keep this from happening.
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