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l Xenoes l

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Everything posted by l Xenoes l

  1. Should probably check the forums next time to see if there's already a thread about what you want to post about.
  2. Just broke 54K. Been on XBL for about 3 years now. Currently no one has reached 1 million gamer score yet. No one that has an XBL account anyway so if this guy you heard about really has over 1 million gamer score then he should make an XBL account to make it official. Currently there's only two people who are even close to that limit. Here's an article about the two of them. http://www.easyxbox360achievements.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5239
  3. Ultimate Z Fighter(Dragon Ball Z Burst Limit): Clear all Saga chapters at difficulty Z, with Z ranks. Never had an achievement take so long for me to get an give me this amount of irritation. None of the Halo achievements were hard for me(Never got around to completing Halo CEA though). I've beaten every Halo campaign on Legendary solo without to much aggravation.
  4. l Xenoes l


    Finally someone else realizes this. The Reach forums on Bungie.net were flooded with cases proving this. No matter how good a game is people will never be happy.
  5. l Xenoes l

    MM Playlists

    Is it just me or has the playlists for Halo MM been steadily getting worse after every game? IMO Halo 3 had the best Playlist setup, where it was divided between Social and Ranked and they both had a big amount of variety when it game to playlists. Both ranked and social sections of MM catered to both skilled and casual players. Reach had an okay playlist setup. It didn't have the ranked and social like Halo 3 did but, there was still a lot of variety and they kept a lot of the playlists people loved and enjoyed. Now Halo 4 has been released and there's a severe lack of playlists and ones that should have been there on release date were missing. Like SWAT and Team Snipers for instance. Also Team Doubles and Grifball. Those were some of the biggest playlists in past installments. Yeah I know they're being added now but, after two months of the game being released. I'm hoping that after the new playlists are added 343i keeps up on MM playlists and stops experimenting with the game types people love.
  6. Yeah sure the Flood makes it actually seem like Infection but, 343i removed almost all the customization allowed. And the OP thruster pack makes it even worse.
  7. I would like a Specialization that would allow me to have two secondary weapons. Would like to give all the Boltshot noobs a taste of their own medicine but, I can't live without my Plasma Pistol while playing Dominion.
  8. This is why I always pay attention to challenge and commendation progress. If one is very close to being completed and I'm about to hit the last rank of a specialization I'll go do Spartan Ops to finish the rank so the big ***** of exp isn't wasted. Saved myself a bunch of times from wasting almost 10K of exp.
  9. @Bloody Initiate no I didn't mind that you used me as an example. Majority of the games I have quit from was because of lag or family issues arising. I don't care what's going on in the game my family will come first so I'll quit however many times I have to. 3 games I left night was because of lag. One game of Dominion on Vortex lagged continuously for the first 3 minutes of the game. I wasn't about to sit through a 10 minute lag fest so I left.
  10. When you hit SR 130 you see the screen showing you the EXP earned but, it doesn't add to your bar. And any exp earned while at 130 doesn't carry over if they ever added more or increased the rank. When you hit the final rank of a specialization an say you only needed 1500 xp but earned 2900. The extra exp doesn't carry over when you pick a new one. The rest is wasted.
  11. I doubt anything with a double objective would be given it's own playlist. Maybe put into rotation on an Objective type playlist if one was ever created(playlist with all objective type games, not each one having their own playlist). Team Skirmish and Big Team Battle need to come back.
  12. Was playing Dominion on Exile and was in point B. An enemy was trying to cap it so I crept up behind him and was letting him take it so I could get another Base capture. Just as he capped it I was gonna duck and melee him and recap it, right when I duck he gets picked off by a sniper shot from directly behind us from one of his team mates who then gets blown up by a rocket from another one of their team mates trying to kill me. I had to go into Theater to see WTF had happened. Wish I had saved the clip.
  13. If something like this were ever implemented I would want a score limit placed on both Objectives that way you couldn't win based solely on one objective. Like for KoTH and Oddball, you have to score 350 with both objectives to win. Cause look at it this way if one team touches an Objective first they automatically have the lead and they can have the whole team sit by say the oddball and guard that one person. It would then take the whole enemy team to kill them to stop their timer. That or make it so the ball can only be held for say 30 seconds till it resets like the hill.
  14. It was one of the funnest because of all the cool forge maps that were available for it. Even a lot of the regular MM maps were good for it like Rat's Nest for instance or the cool version of Blackout that was made for Zombies.
  15. Both Geometry Wars games are pretty fun. DMC is going to be coming out in 2 days. Zone of the Enders HD collection released recently so that's a good game to check out.
  16. I try my best to 100% games. Only if I think I'll actually be able to do it though. I'm not able to put the amount of time into games as I used to be able to so I do it less often now. I have almost a 55K Gamer Score right now. I think I have 33 games total completed. I would like to complete all games I play but, after a while it gets very boring and aggravating.
  17. I was talking about game types lol Oh well, I'm on the last set for splatters. Need like 68 more I think. It's sad to see people boosting for this. Seen people SR 35 with this Visor. Stupid boosters!
  18. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Your post will just be removed again.
  19. I do. Flood is pure garbage. Doesn't allow for the type of customization like we had in Halo 3 and Reach. The only reason I ever played it was for shotgun kills. Sad that Dominion let me get more kills with it then Flood does. Plus the Flood being able to slice with their sword arm while boosting is BS.
  20. I doubt 343i is going to be adding any more new playlists besides Snipers, Dubs, and Grifball. They really do need to make ranked and social playlists. This worked so well back in Halo 3 and 343i needs to take a good hard look at how Bungie made Halo 3 successful. The boltshot needs to be nerfed so it CAN'T kill outside of melee range and the DMR needs a damage nerf at longer ranges
  21. It's sad to not see more people commenting on this. Just shows that the majority don't feel like reading long posts or typing out a good decent reply.
  22. I played Team Regicide for a while but, stopped cause the people I'd get teamed up with never knew how to protect the King.
  23. I'm halfway through Slayer Expert. Have a few others in Expert but, just a few wins into it. That's why I want the Dominion Victory armor because I've yet to see anyone with it.
  24. Does anyone have a game type commendation mastered? If so which one? The closest one I have is Dominion with needing 145 more victories.
  25. l Xenoes l

    Mark IV

    I miss the Halo Reach armor. The armor in this game just doesn't appeal to me. And the extra stuff to unlock is quite bland and boring. No real different between variations. The actually good looking armor is from Wetwork, Pathfinder, Stalker, War Master, Commando, and whatever armor you get for completing UNSC Loud out Mastery.
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