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l Xenoes l

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Everything posted by l Xenoes l

  1. Jack of all Trades: Get a killing spree using 5 different weapons Melee Master: Get 10 melee kills in a row without dying Painted Red: Get a kill with every shot in one Spartan Laser Queen Slayer: Kill a female spartan who is the King in Regicide Eat LEAD!!!: Get 10 kills with the SAW without dying Got a lot more ideas but, leave it at this.
  2. Most of the people complaining about it fail to do the research into finding out when they will receive the Specializations. For some odd reason they come here where it clearly states "Community Forum" but, they almost always overlook this. If they played before Halo 4 they'd know Waypoint is the place to go for problems and upcoming information on Halo.
  3. l Xenoes l


    Somebody obviously doesn't have a sense of humor
  4. Had this happen quite a lot. Had a team mate push me into a corner once an enemy had a perfect grenade throw and he decided to stand there and kept me from getting out of the way and he got us both because of it. Never been able to push other people out of the way but, I get pushed very easily.
  5. Never this kind of thing happen for 3 days straight, longest it's happened to me is about 2-3 games. Then I take a break and play a different game or go into a different playlist. That's gotta be quite aggravating though. Just switch playlists and get away from whatever game type is causing you to get those kind of scores.
  6. Have had this happen on multiple occasions. Didn't get to pick the specialization that I wanted to because Operator was the only available one to pick from =/ Got it fixed now. Just gotta finished Stalker and then Engineer is my last one.
  7. People will quit regardless of the penalty or how severe it is. You make it to severe and people will stop playing. Bungie tried to make a penalty system work and it didn't. 343i seen this so they removed it. Both systems have flaws but, this IMO is the lesser flawed of the two. I doubt they'll implement any type of penalty. People will complain no matter what they do and so far I've seen less complaining about no ban on these forums then I did on bungie's because there was a penalty.
  8. Had this happen in Halo 3. Back before I changed my GT to this. http://halo.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=66790079
  9. You wanna know why I hate this type of rank system? Because it's NOT a ranking system. You play games and you rank up, win or lose you earn exp. Being SR 130 doesn't make you good when you have a negative k/d. I want to get team mates with SIMILAR skill. Not bad randoms who can't go positive to save their life or don't know the first thing about objective control.
  10. I don't have any arguments against it cause I want to be matched up with people of similar skill instead of BK randoms.
  11. I've had this happen a lot in that game type. Also in Dominion getting put into a game where my team has 230 while the other team has 390 and only 10 seconds till they get the 420. Why thank you 343i
  12. SweatyBagels makes a very good point. I never tried to go for assists. I just got them naturally playing big team slayer and Dominion. Those game types are set in big maps and have a lot of vehicles. So stick with team mates and try to get a couple shots in a person and let your team mates clean up. Vehicles are a good way to get assists as well. Hit is with a p pistol charge and throw a nade of two at it and let it be. I mastered this pretty quickly without trying to get assists.
  13. A good start to Dominion is crucial to having success or failure. Although too many times I've seen team mates mess up a good start and let the other team get a good lead because they don't know the first thing about objective control. I get majority of my games on Exile, Longbow and Vortex with Meltdown being the least played. I find Meltdown to be to chaotic and I feel that I'm unable to formulate a good strategy for that map. My main start on Exile if I spawn Rocket side it to always go for them. I usually do it solo cause everyone rushes for B. Almost every time I get the Rockets I kill 2-3 players going for C. I always see a lot of players not utilizing Resupply drops. Or just passing by vehicles like the Banshee and then allow the enemy to take out base and then take the vehicle which they proceed to use against us. Also I seem to be the only one who builds turrets. They may not be very effective but, they're good for softening up enemies before they enter the base as well as vehicles. I love this game type but, I'm never able to get a group of people to play it with. Randoms don't communicate at all or pay attention to the radar or when a base is being taken. Also a lot of players need to pay attention to the counter above the base when you're trying to capture/re-capture it. When that number stops counting down that means that somebody is taking it so go stop the enemy. I find myself using the same loud out no matter what gametype I'm playing. Jetpack to me IMO is the best for this gametype. Being able to bypass jumping and getting out of the way of rockets/grenades/vehicle fire. This has allowed me to kill the wraith almost every time combined with the P. Pistol. That brings me to one crucial point. Stop rushing a vehicle like the wraith or banshee when you have no means to take it out besides regular small arms fire. Get a Laser, Sniper Rifle, just something else besides the DMR or BR! Learn common camping spots for enemies. For instance in Point A on Longbow right beside the terminal people love to camp up on the equipment because it hides almost all of their body besides the feet. Knowing this can save you from dying from a rocket. And in Point C on the same map people like to camp by the back entrance next to the door with a Boltshot or Shotgun and watch the radar. If you see the blue dots on the radar because someone is Invis don't run around like an idiot and think they're oblivious to what you're doing. Stop and look around to see the distortion they cause when moving. Hope a lot of people read this thread and take all the hints to heart. If anybody wants a good team mate for Dominion please hit me up. Want to Master the Victory commendation, only need 150 more wins.
  14. Like I said above I would like to see it return solely for the fun game types.
  15. So me alone getting 5 base caps and 6 base saves isn't stepping up? While my random team mates can't cap one and can't stop 2 players from taking one of ours unless I intervene and stop what I'm trying to do to help them out. Or playing Team Slayer where I break over 20-25 kills while 3 team mates fail to break 10 and get a -10 k/d spread, again how am I not stepping up?
  16. I don't care how often a player quits his games or finishes them. If I have garbage team mates and not matter how hard I try to carry them we will still lose because they can't even win a 2v1 fire fight then I'm gonna quit. I've had plenty of games in SWAT where I break 20 kills and the other 3 people on my team haven't even broke 10. No matter how hard I try we will still lose. So why continue to waste my time? I'd rather quit and search for a better game then sit through a game that I'm destined to lose. If I have BK team mates that aren't doing anything then I'm going to quit. They don't wanna step their game up and contribute then to hell with them
  17. AA need to be removed from Flood completely. I wish it would go back to being regular Infection like in Halo 3.
  18. I was very surprised to not see this. They could even add objective game types into Big Team Slayer and just call it Big Team Battle
  19. People will quit regardless of the consequences. I quit when I get put into a game that is minutes from being over and my team is being demolished. Like for instance getting put into a game of Dominion with 2 minutes left and my team has 140 while the other team is sitting at 370, I already know there's no way I can help my team make a come back so why sit through beat and go search for another game. Also lag is a big factor. Had a game of Dominion and shot an enemy in the head 3 times with a sniper doing no damage while he puts BR shots into me doing damage. And sometimes people have to quit for a reason. I've had to quit quite a lot because of family issues. Even had connection issue sometimes which is something a lot of people can't control. JIP was implemented to alleviate this problem.
  20. I prefer the BR and Pistol. Although if I get Complex then I'l switch to DMR just because of it's superior range. I've almost got the Pistol commendation mastered thanks to SWAT.
  21. I'm against it for Halo 4 as well but, when Halo 5 is released I would like to see it return on if the old dual wielding weapons from Halo 3 were put back into the game. If it was in Halo 4 though that would give me some incentive to actually wanna use the Boltshot. Not for the shotgun blast of course. I only use the BS if it's dropped by an enemy. The single shot is far to weak to be effective.
  22. It would be nice to have some missions with the Broadsword. The old UNSC flying vehicles need to be brought back into MM. Although currently there's no maps to even have those types of vehicles on.
  23. I hope all of this is true although it sucks we have to wait till the 21st for anything. Very glad we finally have dates for Grifball and Team Doubles. These are two playlists I've been waiting a lot time for. And it's about time the forge maps are finally put into rotation as well. The Crimson DLC playlist is all but dead so it'll be nice to get more maps added. This game is good but, 343i has been taking a while to address big problems and the desires of the community.
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