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l Xenoes l

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Everything posted by l Xenoes l

  1. The rank will only be on waypoint and you can o on multiple sites to see your true skill. HaloTracker.com will show it to you. Seeing as when it's added it still won't match you with people of similar skill I really don't care about a stupid rank that won't even match me with people of my skill range.
  2. Flood will slowly die out and I feel that people will only play it to complete the commendations for it or if a challenge shows up for it. I find the game type boring. The number of players is to small and the maps are boring. With the lack of customization for it the only thing that will be able to happen is for some custom maps to be added into rotation. The only reason I even continue to play it is for the shotgun commendation. Once that is mastered I won't play it ever again. Even trying to win games in it is ridiculous seeing as only 1st place wins when it should be 1st-3rd like it used to be.
  3. There is going to be a FFA type playlist besides Regicide. If you look on Waypoint at the population of all the playlists and scroll down you'll see all the old Challenge playlists and also see Team Snipers as well as FFA Throwback. So it's going to be coming just don't know when.
  4. The BR should go back to being a 4 shot weapon. Sure it may over power the DMR in mid to close range but oh well!!! The DMR practically dominates any range no matter what starting weapon a player has if they're skilled enough. The DMR should get a nerf big time though. The Carbine is unable to keep up with either the BR or DMR. In 1v1 the Carbine could out perform both because of it's fire rate but, you rarely ever get that kind of encounter even in Regicide.
  5. I don't think Halo 4 is as good as Halo 3 was. Hell I despised Reach and I like Reach more then Halo 4. Lack of playlists, OP DMR, no flying vehicles, no ranking system what so ever(SR is not a rank, just a number showing how much time you have to play a game), Flood(Infection is far better), garbage maps, loud outs(They're nice but, enabling people to spawn with stickies and P. Pistol is BS), instant respawns. I could keep going but, I think I've made my point. I do enjoy Halo 4 but, I had far more fun playing Halo 3 and Reach. Oh and the challenges are a complete joke. Making weekly and monthly challenges that can easily be completed in one to two days is pathetic. The main reason the lack of a ranking system kills this game is because it's impossible to be matched with people of similar skill. And this kills the game for a lot of people including me. I'm tired of carrying my team for 10 minutes just to lose because I get crappy randoms who can't even get 10 kills or go for an objective.
  6. This is exactly why I don't do Spartan Ops MM. I did it all solo. Only time I searched for players it to get an achievement for keeping one marine alive in Ep. 2 Chaper 3. Rest I did solo which IMO is the way to go.
  7. Change is fine but, removing things that were in previous games that were fan favorites is the wrong answer. Like getting rid of 1 Flag and Assault is something I've seen a lot of people complain about, I'm one of them. Not having a ranking system is a big flaw in this game as well and it's made a lot of people I know stop playing the game once they hit SR 130. Ranking up quickly was made easy because of the Double Exp from Mnt Dew and Doritos. A friend gifted me 159 Dbl Xp games without telling me and it got me from SR 20 to SR 70 easily. They should have had a smaller limit on the amount of games per player.
  8. The only time I use to kill someone is when I'm one shot and I'm hiding behind an object so I'll boost up to get a little jump on them or when they run behind an object and they're almost dead. Although boosting does somewhat make it harder to kill the person doing it. If the person is below them then while the person is in the air it's harder to hit their head because of their legs being in the way.
  9. I would love for this to come back. Loved it when I got the Blue Flames in Reach. Never got enough Cr to get Inclement Weather though.
  10. I would love for it to go back to equipment instead of AA. That made things a lot more balanced IMO. I would like to see the bubble shield or shield drain make a return though.
  11. Dual Wielding was one of the best things in Halo 3. Loved being able to wield two Brute Spikers and or two SMGs. This is one thing I'd love to see make a return.
  12. I love the instant respawn for one sole reason. Bad team mates. With having instant respawn I'm able to get back into things as quickly as possible and go back up bad team mates to keep them from dying or to go for an objective because they're just standing around AFK or wandering around aimlessly.
  13. Flood is a complete joke compared to Infection. Regular Infection was fun but, the cool game types made in Halo 3 and Reach is what made it even better. Like Speed Demons for instance in Halo 3. Super fast zombies with both a sword and G. Hammer. Duck Hunt was a fun favorite of my. Seems like 343i took a great amount out when it comes to the ability of customization of game types.
  14. This is why I don't understand why there's so few playlists in Halo 4. It's kind of ridiculous and I get very bored of the lack of playlists very quick. You'd think there would be more seeing as they probably have a bigger server capacity compared to what Halo 3 had. If they don't up the amount of playlists soon and stop removing the actually good ones and replacing them with terrible ones then I'm probably gonna drop the game and only pick it back up when DLC is released just to keep my completion % for the game at 100%
  15. If any of kind of playlist was implemented that brought back the old Halo 3 feel then I'd be all for it. I do love being able to spawn with a precision weapon so if an enemy has one I'm actually able to defend myself. I can't count how many times I spawned with an AR in Halo 3 and got killed over and over because the other team was full of BRs they picked up and keep me from doing so. But with the DMR ruling pretty much every playlist it keeps people from using any other weapon. I was glad to actually see people using the AR in Regicide. It gave me that old Halo 3 feel again and I loved it. I found more people using AR type weapons rather then the DMR or BR and I loved it! Wish there was a playlist that encouraged more CQC type encounters. Once Grifball is added and some Team Doubles I doubt I'll be playing anything besides those and Dominion just because I'm tired of using nothing but, the damn DMR. One reason why I stopped playing is because I was so bored of every game type being the same.
  16. This is the biggest problem with this game. Rewarding the losing team and not having any kind of ranked playlist. The people wanting to take the game seriously and the people who just want to goof off are combined. Why this problem wasn't foreseen is beyond me. Obviously they didn't pay attention to Reach when they took it over from Bungie. Dividing the community between social and ranked is what made Halo 3 so good. Because if you lost or screwed around in ranked you actually had something to lose. Now the different between losing and winning is only what 400xp? Not very big different when you can go play spartan ops and get the same amount of exp.
  17. If someone in those matches you're playing is able to rack up that many kills in the Gauss then I think the players on the other team are just bad. I've never been in a game where any one in the Gauss was able to rack up more then 10 kills. I always spawn with Plasma Pistol and Plasma Grenades. And power weapons on Exile aren't that hard to come by. And with it being Infinity Slayer then you have what 5-6 people on the other team. With every player getting atleast one O. Drop then someone has to get a Laser or Launcher. If enough people shoot it with DMRs the Hog will go down pretty quickly. Have to play smart. Not that hard to ambush it.
  18. They did add some cool medals though. I like the oddball medals. I like hearing it say Ball Hog and Magic Hands lol I also like a medal in Flood called Ancient one, I got that by mistake. But giving out medals for getting kills with any type of power weapon is stupid. They need to bring it back to where you only get the Sniper Kill medal if you get a head shot with it. Shouldn't be Rocket kill medals. Now fuel rod, Rail Gun, and Splaser I can understand because of how little you're able to get these weapons compared to the R. Launcher. Well not the laser but, you only get 4 shots and it's mainly for vehicles.
  19. The shields yes but, I don't see how the sticky detonator is from any type of Covenant tech. And I was talking about the UNSC reverse engineering the Prometheans tech to create similar weaponry.
  20. Looking for someone to do a Heroic campaign run with. GT is username, message if interested.
  21. I've noticed this as well. You get a medal for practically anything in this game. You get a medal for just killing someone no matter how you do it. The most medals I've gotten in one game is 86 I think. In Halo 3 or Reach there's no way I would be able to get this many medals in one single game. Next thing we'll see is getting a medal for every 15 second you're alive.
  22. I would like to see the UNSC do what the covenant did with the Prometheans weapons. Take a look at their weaponry and make something similar to it. Although I doubt they could mainly seeing as the UNSC already has a weapon to go along with all the Promethean type weapons. They both have a heavy ordnance, shotgun, precision, side arm, and AR type weapon. The only thing neither side has is a melee type weapon. I would like the UNSC to develop some type of melee weapon. Or have the prometheans create more weapons. I would like to see the Brute's weapons to come back.
  23. There's no way to figure out why it's not unlocking for you. You have to pick up a turret and get kills with it ON the new DLC maps. Any kills done on other maps with the turret don't count towards the total amount you need. Just try to get the map Shatter and grab the turrets right in the middle of the map and then go back and camp in one of the corners or in the center room. I got this easily by doing this and running around getting people by them self.
  24. I've got Explosion kills for taking vehicles out with the Sniper Rifle but, I shot a fully loaded Hog with the Binary Rifle and blew it up but, all the kills counted as Binary Rifle Kills.
  25. The visor selection is very good and I do like some of the chest pieces. I've been using Venator chest mainly. I do like the War Master, and Raider helmet though. Miss the Hayabusa from Halo 3 and getting the katana on your back.
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