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l Xenoes l

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Everything posted by l Xenoes l

  1. My SR is 96 current on the Rogue specialization. My highest true skill is 31 in Infinity Slayer. Been doing Dominion a lot lately so I haven't been able to raise it.
  2. The jet pack for me is the most useful. I can get to high points easy to snag the enemy flag easily or boost up to a ledge to get a power weapon that would take someone longer to jump and run up to. Also when jet packing into the air and shooting at someone on the ground it's harder for them to hit your head because of your legs and chest being in the way. All the others don't really serve a purpose for me. I've never been killed by the Auto Sentry and the hardlight shield sucks because your shield doesn't recharge when in use. The Pro vision is easy to counter because you know when it's used so you can run away or you know you won't get the jump on someone. The invis is a little useful at times but, it doesn't fit my playing style.
  3. All my loud outs are the same besides the Primary weapon. They all have the Plasma Pistol, Plasma Grenades, Jetpack, Dexterity, and Infinite Sprint. I do a mix of everything. Do what I feel fits the situation the best whether it be stealth, lone gunner, or driving vehicles. With having the jet pack I can get pretty much anywhere, and the Plasma nades and Pistol allow me to take out vehicles and my precision rifle either being the BR, DRM, or Carbine lets me hit people at a decent range. I'll pick up an AR when possible to stop rushers.
  4. Would if I hadn't already beat the whole campaign on Legendary Solo. Doing Heroic Co-Op run now. Some of the missions took me a bit to get through. Them Knights are freaking bullet sponges!
  5. I try to pick it up as much as possible although unless you sneak up on people it's hard to get kills with it. Especially seeing as being hit makes your movements very sluggish and slow. Adding that into it makes it quite hard even while sprinting to get someone with the Sword.
  6. I do all of those things. I prefer up close and personal but, will go long range if I must.
  7. I love using the vehicles but, on certain maps I feel vehicles are made obsolete with people being able to spawn with the plasma pistol and plasma grenades. I don't even bother getting in a regular warthog or a ghost unless I'm just bored because I know I'll get taken out right away. I only go for the Tank, Wraith or Mantis. I suck flying the Banshee lol
  8. It's a very useful weapon for cleaning out campers and taking out a vehicle. Never used it for cross map kills though. Only time I get it is on BTS or Dominion so people always have a sniper rifle of some kind. Plus I wouldn't just waste a shot like that unless I knew I'd get a kill. I've killed myself a little bit with the smaller bombs it spawns after the initial explosion. And with my Dexterity perk the long reload isn't even a problem.
  9. Okay your ten feet remark is you just throwing some dumb number out. You can jump off the hill on Ragnarok into the water and not get fall damage which is a lot higher then ten feet. You have to fall pretty far in the game to receive fall damage. And Chief was lucky to live through that. His armor locking up is what saved his life and he did almost die from it.
  10. I was never able to play with friends. Once I was able to pick the game up they all had beat it and moved out. And playing with random players got annoying cause they never wanted to dupe rare loot and leave once they got what they wanted. I haven't played it since the first DLC came out and prolly won't be playing it anytime soon. Halo 4 and games soon to be coming out will be taking up to much of my time to want to get back into it. Plus I want a modded weapon and I haven't been able to come across them yet.
  11. I bought the game from gamestop some time ago and beat the campaign in about 2 days I think. It was pretty fun and the story was decent. The multiplayer was pretty good as well. Loved creeping around with the invis and killing people. Turned it back in before the 7 days were up for full refund just because the achievements for it took to long to get. Probably going to get the 3rd once it's released and the price drops a bit.
  12. Tired of playing with randoms. Need some people to play with. GT is username hit me up
  13. I sadly read the whole thing. S. Ops is a little disappointing with them using the same areas over and over. Plus them getting lazy and using a multiplayer map made me not like it even more. The story is nice and being allowed to use my own load outs is a big plus as well. I hated that the Knights were in fact bullet sponges and took a large amount of ammo just to drop their shield on Legendary.
  14. I find it stupid that they do the rankings like that. People who actually have a job and other stuff to do in their lifes don't even have a chance of getting up there.
  15. l Xenoes l

    We miss you!

    What blasphemy is this?!?!? I also miss Assault a lot
  16. l Xenoes l

    We miss you!

    Miss Griffball, Shotty Snipes, Rocket Race, Fiesta, Team Melee and the original Zombies. Don't like Flood at all.
  17. I guess I'm lucky then when it comes to the guass hog in matches because I've never had the other team get more then 5 kills before I take it out. Once I see it either unmanned of manned I make sure I destroy it. I easily hit it with a Plasma shot and stick it with two plasma nades and BOOM it's gone.
  18. I for one love TR. If your team doesn't protect the King then you're SOL. Not playing with a team puts you at a big disadvantage because if you're not the king then the player who is could be a rusher and just give the other team kills and not trying to get the Time Bonuses. When I'm the king I try to sit back till I get OS and then try to get RoT if I'm lucky and my team keeps people off me. Although after a while I get tired of being the king and I usually am most of the time because I like to sneak around to get to their king but, I'm unable to because of the big marker on my head. I would like for it to stay though that's for sure.
  19. The DMR is very OP and I hope they do drop the fire rate. Tired of using nothing but, the DMR in Big Team Slayer. I love the Carbine and BR but, am unable to use it in any big or medium sized maps.
  20. I'm certainly hoping so. That always gave me something to look forward to when the weekend came back with Halo 3. There was always some kind of fun game type to play all weekend like zombies, team melee, fiesta, rocket race, and I can't remember the others. It doesn't even have to be double exp weekend. Just add some kind of fun crazy game type for the weekend to give us something different for a couple days.
  21. Halo 4 is very good and I'm having a blast playing it as well. Have one problem with the MM though. There's a big lack of variety when it comes to playlists. SWAT gets boring after a bit playing the same 2-3 maps and both Infinity and Big Team Infinity Slayers get's boring as well seeing as it's nothing but, a long range DMR battle the whole time if you don't get a good ordnance drop. And Vehicles have been made obsolete basically because people being able to spawn with the P. Pistol. I'm still loving this game though don't get me wrong but, there's a few things that somewhat kill it for me. Love the S. Ops and amazing campaign.
  22. I've noticed this as well. Took two of my favorite playlists away when they did this. Both Team Snipers and KotH are gone now which makes me very angry. Can't wait for them to add Griffball and Team Doubles.
  23. I feel the same way. I don't really care about different patterns on a set of armor. I wish it was a little more like Reach. Where the extra pieces to the same sets had different things on them like the helmets. There's barely any leg and forearm armor pieces. Wish there was armor effects as well. Miss those from Reach.
  24. I hate flood. Nothing like Zombies. I only played it today because of the challenge for it. And even with that I got lucky getting three wins. It only puts you as the winner if you got 1st place. In FFA it's 1st-3rd that are considered the winners. The BS thruster pack pretty much ruins the game type for me as well as them having shields, low number of players(love Halo 3 zombies with 16 players). Wish 343i would add in some community created flood maps if they're out there.
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