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l Xenoes l

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Posts posted by l Xenoes l

  1. The ONLY time I'd every want them is say if FF came back or to get some extra help in S. Op.s but, NEVER in actually MM online. That would be disastrous! Especially in a ranked match. Bots that are simulated to play like people of similar skill are never what you'd expect. Far to easy to kill and they don't do a lot of things actual players do like trick jumps, ghandi hopping, and other similar tricks. Offline would be okay though.

  2. I think they should constantly be rotating playlists. Team Dbls, Team Objective, CTF, KoTH, Oddball SWAT, Snipers and the list goes on. If a playlist doesn't consistently maintain amount of players each day then drop it and bring in another for a certain time period. There's a perfect saying for it "Time away makes the heart grow fonder." If some of the basic sets are gone for a bit then when they come back they'll be more popular. Why do you think some of the major ones are so popular? Because they weren't permanent in previous games. 

  3. 1. Longer Campaign

    2. Less MM specific achievements

    3. A lot more Armor variants( Double What H4 had possibly )

    4. Weapon variants ie different weapon skins (It's the small things that matter lol)

    5. Some weapon specific Assassinations

    6. Better Forerunner weapons.

    7. If Cortana doesn't return then I'd like for MC or even Locke to have an AI with them. Their dialogue back an forth is nice during missions.

  4. H5 needs to have a larger armor than H4. If it doesn't I will be very disappointed in 343i. Armor variations is a big thing in customizations. My favorite was the EVA though. Didn't care too much for the Hyabusa or the Katana. Although if I could get ANY helmet from ANY of the Halo games into H5, I'd want the Pilot Helmet from Reach. Probably my all time favorite helmet. 


    For those who don't know what it looks like



  5. I don't care what they do with the playlists because I only play H4 and H2A specific playlists. I just want a damn objectives playlist so I can get some progress done on the mode specific achievements. All anyone ever picks is Slayer. It's sad that I had better luck getting CTF and KoTH in SWAT than in any other playlist.

  6. It will more than likely be 34. With each DLC it'll probably increase by 2 levels. Seems logical. Unless they increase the amount of content with each content update. If they stay with the current content amount, they'd have to make even more difficulty levels with more powerful gear and I doubt they'd do that because of things like the Iron Banner. There would be too far of a power gap between people just getting into it and people that are that high up.

  7. Been playing it on my Xbox One and it's pretty good. With the races were a little more diverse. It's mainly elf, humand, halfling, orc and tiefling. So many different versions of elfs it's annoying. The forgotten realms holds a lot more races than those basic ones. Although for a F2P I can see why they limited it that many.

  8. Not sure what could be causing this. I know some people have been having issues with getting the Par Scare achievements while playing Co-Op, although I haven't been having this issue. It could be because you're the main or first profile signed in and he's added later. Now I'm not 100% sure on this but, maybe try to sign him in first and then you once you get into playing MCC and start up a level and see if it tracked your progress afterwards.

  9. ODST was never really meant to be included into the MCC at all and Reach will probably never be. The reason it won't be and the reason ODST originally wasn't supposed to be either is right in the name of the game, " The Master Chief Collection". 343i stated this themselves. It's meant to explain and mainly focus on Johns story to lead up to Halo 5 for everyone that wasn't with the series when those games came out. ODST is basically just to try and make up for their failure with the game's launch. Don't hold your breath on it ever being remade. Maybe 10 years down the road like with Halo 1 or 2.  

  10. It's just like any other FPS title. Destiny's player based has dropped drastically since launch and yet it still get updates and more DLC. Same went for CoD Ghosts, the player count dropped not 3 months after launch but just like MCC there's still enough people to play online with. They're probably hoping that when they finish the ODST remaster and more DLC maps, it will bring a large amount of the players back. Just like the Dark Below did for Destiny. Yes MCC shipped with a huge amount of bugs and features missing that they knew should have been in there day one but, they made a mistake and they definitely paid the price for it. But, if ODST and Relic aren't out by the time Halo 5 or the new Spartan Strike game, I doubt much if any people return to MCC. I will for the achievements and that's it.

  11. It would be nice for some new assassinations to be made to replace the old ones and on the topic of weapon specific ones, there should only be a few weapons that get their own versions. The only weapons I think should get their own versions would be the Sword which already has it's own, the hammer which could have something where you could kick them to the ground and smash their head in, the pistol where you could drop them to their knees and kill them execution style(This could be done with the bolt shot as well as all the AR's and even shotgun) so I'd see that as a basic assassination rather than a weapon specific one. The Flag version is perfect and needs no change. If there were weapon specific ones they would use ammo from the weapon used and same goes for the hammer and sword. Attacks done with them consume their energy so it only makes sense for the same to be applied to assassinations.


    If the Elites return into MM(which I hope they don't) they could get their own versions too. Maybe a plasma grenade version if you have one available, where you'd stick it to their back and kick them away as the flail to reach it, but it could be an option you select cause it would obviously use one from your inventory. 

  12. It's going to work the exact way it already does. Although we'll be able to get upgrade materials to  "Reforge" legendary items and our Exotics to increase the light amount to get to 30 but, will need the new Raid gear to reach the higher level cap.


    I have the season pass so I basically already own both of the DLC packs coming out but, with recently purchasing Halo: MCC and Advanced Warfare I doubt I'll be picking up Destiny anytime soon. The game just got so boring with having to constantly farm mats and doing the raid and getting no gear and having to sit for a week to once again get nothing. Not very appealing to me at all. Who knows though I might pick it back up long enough to run through the new story missions and do the strikes a few times before going back to MCC.

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  13. Very similar to the UNSC Rail Gun which I'm very fond of so I wouldn't mind something like being added for the Brutes. Although seeing as their traits are like their name I don't see them using this type of weapon. It's why I think they have the Hammer for a melee weapon.


    On a side note I would love for the UNSC to come up with a melee type weapon.

  14. I think it should be brought back. Why it was removed all together is beyond me. I think a lot of the smaller arms should be brought back like the Mauler, Brute Spikers, SMGs, and Plasma Rifles. It broke up the monotony of using nothing but the BR, DMR, Carbine type weapons. Every map would have the same weapons besides varied heavies depending if there was vehicle combat or not. One weapon that should NEVER be removed is the Rail Gun.  

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