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l Xenoes l

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Everything posted by l Xenoes l

  1. l Xenoes l


    Having a punishment for quitting will do nothing. Both Halo 3 and Reach had it and people still did it constantly. I was one of them. I didn't care if I got punished for quitting. Sometimes I have to quit because I have things to do in real life. Also if I'm carrying the hell outta my team and we're still losing by a lot then I'll just quit, or if it's very laggy I'll quit as well. I'm not gonna sit through a 10-15 minute lag fest sorry. If they do introduce some sort of penalty that won't change a thing. Not having a penalty is gonna keep one major thing from happening once people's true skill ranks are revealed.....BOOSTING!
  2. Only done Solo on Legendary so far. Gonna do Co-op on heroic by myself once I get my second controller back.
  3. The only Halo game to actually have a boss fight was halo 2. Yeah sure it's a FPS but, there could still be boss fights. Tarturus was very hard in Halo 2 on Legendary. Even the Prophet you had to fight was a little tough.
  4. I noticed this as well that in levels you spawn with UNSC weapons there's little to no ammo for them. Like the third mission for instance, you spawn with them and there's no ammo for them that I was able to find.
  5. I'll be looking to Team Doubles and Griffball. I haven't been able to get anywhere with the Close quarters commendation. I'm almost done with the multi kill one but, griffball will help me complete that and the hammer kills quickly.
  6. If you watch all the threads on the forums all it mainly is, is people whining and complaining and I'll I see is I want I want I want!!! And they're already said they're going to do it and around what time. Making a new thread whining about it is being needy and isn't going to do anything.
  7. The Carbine doesn't have the long range capabilities as much as the BR and DMR does. I used to carbine for quite a while, but stopped once I couldn't put up a good fight against people using the DMR on bigger maps.
  8. People need to be patient. Quit being so needy all the freaking time. It'll happen when it happens and they already said it won't be till early next year.
  9. AND lack of playlists. And those are just your opinions. I'm guessing you're one of the thousands of people who wanted Halo 4 to be just like all the others. What's the point in making sequels if the next game is the same as all the others? People need to realize, THIS ISN'T BUNGIE! So ofcourse the game is gonna be different and there's going to be added features. I love the loud out option because in Reach I despised the DMR and wanted to spawn with something else like the Needle Rifle. It gives the player the option to use a basic weapon that they want to use. And you only gave two points, all that crap doesn't mean anything.
  10. I don't care about the wait time of getting into a game. I like the JIP system because it's allowed me to come back when the game started out un even or a player quit because it wasn't the map they wanted. And people said the same **** when Reach came out. Oh halo 3 is way better then this POS, complaining on a fan forum will get you no where so just stop it's quite annoying. I don't even bother with the Halo 4 bashing threads anymore cause it's just filled with trolls and needy little kids. I didn't like Reach and this both Halo 4 and Halo 3 were better. How about you list off you 10,000 reasons then.
  11. No, I don't really touch the AR unless the other team is using them and I snag one and the only time I use the pistol is in SWAT.
  12. Good idea, bad execution. They should have fixed the kill cams before adding the final kill cam. But, oh well not like I watch the kill cams anyway. I've watched to many films in Halo 3 seeing a sniper shot hit a wall when I'm already passed it and still die to even care about the BS. Lag is something that will always be present and there's nothing to be done about it.
  13. I believe this is happening because of the lack of any kind of current ranking system and lack of playlists. I myself got bored after a couple hours of playing the same stuff. Once more playlists are added and the hidden ranks are revealed I'm sure it will pick up.
  14. I didn't find Reach's Legendary very hard. It had it's little tough points just like all the halo's but, I burned through it faster then the others.
  15. I don't remember exactly. It was shortly after Halo CE came out for the Xbox. Played it at a friends house then got an Xbox and Halo 2 when it was released, and I've been playing ever since then. One of the best game series I've ever played by far.
  16. I first started to hear Bad Kid in Halo 3. I never use it for team mates using a cheap combo or weapon for a kill but, mainly for terrible team mates who go 5-18
  17. I bought the limited edition of Halo 4 and entered my code to have access to them all right away. I got on today and now I only can see the two everyone else had access to. What's up?
  18. I'm sure once they reveal the hidden true skill rank of everyone that Team Doubles will be added into the playlists. Just a matter of time.
  19. Halo 2 by far took me the longest to beat. The snipers on Legendary were so freaking accurate. If you didn't know where they exactly were, the moment you popped your head out you were dead. Was hard but, the grunt birthday and sputnick skull together made it hard but, very funny.
  20. The kill cams are hardly if ever accurate. It's the same in CoD. Lag has a lot to do with it as well.
  21. I usually play on every map. Majority is on Exile and Rag though. I do somewhat like Rag but, I had enough of it in Halo 3 when it was known as Valhalla. Yeah it was a nice map but, I've just played it enough and prefer Exile and the other two maps over it greatly. You're team must have sucked to not be able to hit it with any of the power weapons like the Fuel Rod, Rockets, or Inc Cannon. Or even pick him off with the sniper.
  22. l Xenoes l

    IC... Why?

    The IC has some big flaws compared to the RL. One it only has one round per mag, two the blast radius isn't as big, and three the reload speed is longer. Sure the IC has one thing over the RL which is after the initial blast it spawns 4 smaller blasts afterwards but, one isn't better then the other. What about the FR gun? It can kill people in one shot and it has 5 rounds per mag.
  23. I did this quite a lot in Halo 3 in the multi team playlist. I liked doing it mainly because the matches last a lot longer then regular slayer games. I don't do it anymore though because FFA Throwback isn't fun and KotH in that playlist is a nade fest and I don't like oddball cause people just throw the ball of the map all the time. Plus I've been getting more kills in Big Team Slayer.
  24. I've never had a problem seeing invis people. And I guess I'm just lucky with not having people camp with the shotty or something while invis or having a sniper far away. It's just something you gotta deal with cause it's in the game. Just gotta figure out ways to counter what they're doing. And even if they have invis the fact they have a sniper means they could pick you off far away no matter what.
  25. It's my favorite as well. I've racked up almost 1,000 kills with it already. It was one of favorite in Halo 2(Not so much in 3 cause it wasn't in MM) and I was very glad to see it return in Halo 4.
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