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l Xenoes l

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Everything posted by l Xenoes l

  1. Every weapon has a point in the game where it's more useful then another. Some players do just run around and spray with the AR but, that doesn't mean it doesn't take some measure of skill to know when to fire and how long to hold the trigger so you don't run out of ammo before the enemy is killed.
  2. I agree but, I wouldn't want to have to sit there forever trying to make the teams even cause people quit out cause they don't get what they want. If the teams are uneven by one person then that's fine but, if it's by two or more people then yeah the count down should be stopped to find another person or drop the extra to make things even.
  3. I try to go into a bunch of different playlists. Play a few games in one and move onto the next mainly because of this. Tired of playing on the same maps all the time. Every time I play SWAT people usually pick the same two maps every time, same goes for Team Snipers. Is quite annoying and I think it should bring the number of choices from 3 to only two and mix them up a lot more.
  4. I agree. One of my favorite game types in Halo 3 was Rocket Race, Team Melee and Fiesta. Those were some of the best game types that didn't require you to win to have some fun. Rocket Race above all was my favorite. Only dying if you got assassinated and having unlimited ammo in your rocket launcher being able to blow people off the map or send them flying was so much fun. Flood doesn't even compare to what zombies in Halo 3 was. Only having like 7-8 people isn't fun. You need like 12-16 people to have some real fun and get rid of the Flood having AA. Zombies was fun because of the sheer number of enemies coming at you.
  5. I don't really use any of the close range AR type weapons. I find myself in more long-mid range battles to so I just stick with Carbine/BR. I might start using the AR more often though. When I pick it up from an enemy I seem to have good results from using it.
  6. I'll keep playing when I hit the top rank. I don't need to constantly rank up or need to be earning something to wanna play. I was a Brigadier General in Halo 3 for quite a while and I didn't care I just kept playing over and over no matter what even though I wasn't actually earning something.
  7. There's a lot of things I think 343i did well. 1. Getting rid of fixed weapon spawns and adding in Ordnance Drops. This got rid of camping a certain area just for a power weapon and then wrecking the other team then moving to the next one and doing this over and over. 2. Allowing load outs. This was something I was very glad they added in. Allows me to spawn with the weapon I want rather then being forced to always spawn with the DMR, or AR. Now that the Carbine is back I've been using that every chance I get. 3. Adding in weapon specific commendations. In Reach the commendations where nice but, all weapons of a specific type went to one commendation but, now it's more diverse. 4. Giving everyone the sprint ability. They themselves gave a good reason for doing this. Sprint pretty much made every other AA in Reach obsolete so now people actually want to use the other AA.
  8. I don't know about you but, I still get hurt by friendly grenades. Not sure what game type you're playing.
  9. l Xenoes l


    They put both in there because of personal preference and both weapons have a place in the game. In bigger maps I use the DMR because it's more accurate at longer ranges. But in smaller it's smarter to use the BR because of the spread. And just because the BR has a spread doesn't just make it a spray and pray fest. As a side not I'm noticing a lot of people complaining that they only want the DMR cause the BR is a spray and pray noob fest, and it's making me guess a lot of you never played Halo 2 or Halo 3 swat where all you had was the BR. The BR was the main weapon when SWAT started so it will ALWAYS be a part of it. Nothing you can do about it. Maybe when 343 updates it they'll add some maps that only allow you to spawn with the DMR or something.
  10. Yes I was not referring to you about people complaining about the xp cap. I don't mind not ranking up either. I don't mind increasing my K/D and getting some awesome kills. I did so in MW2 for quite a while before going prestige for the first time.
  11. It would be nice to have it added. The beam rifle is good as getting off two shots right in a row to help ensure the person you're trying to kill died right away and is unable to get behind cover.
  12. l Xenoes l


    That type of playlist is called Multi-Team. It was my favorite back in Halo 3 and I would love for it to make a return but, I doubt 343 will have it come back.
  13. true skill coming back will not make it become a real challenge. Halo 3 used this and the MM community was flooded with booster, de-rankers, and bought accounts. With it appearing next year the same thing will happen again.
  14. Yeah the way the scoring is done is stupid. The game I scored 30 I placed 8th as well because my team lost and I was the highest scorer on my team so it placed me as that even though I outscored every player on the other team.
  15. I've been having this problem big time in SWAT. Put 3 bursts into someone and they put 1 DMR shot in me and I'm dead.
  16. I don't play much BTS. I prefer 4v4 maybe 5v5. Anything bigger then that just makes me mad cause I get ganged up on to much. If it's CTF though I'm all for that cause I like sneaking around to get the flag.
  17. Depending on the size of map but, I think Halo 4 slayer is a lot more fast paced compared to Halo 3. Everyone has sprint which allows players to get around a lot more quicker. And the instant-respawn just makes it even more fast paced. On the bigger maps for 4v4 yeah things can go a little slower but, on the smaller ones stuff is always going on. Especially with Kong of the Hill and Oddball.
  18. 30 something I think. Was also in SWAT. Can't wait for there to be a grifball playlist so I can really rack up a high kill count. I remember the good ol days of Halo 3 Grifball getting up to 200+ kills.
  19. I use both the DMR and BR in SWAT. When I know enemies are gonna be farther away then I use the DRM but, if it's a smaller close quarters kind of map then BR all the way. The fact there's both of them in SWAT is what makes me love it so much in Halo 4.
  20. This is a big problem in CoD and I'm glad it doesn't happen as often in Halo 4. I've only had this happen about 5 times that I can remember. They should have a barrier keeping players from joining once a point is reached in a game whether it being remaining time or score to win.
  21. I wouldn't mind if it kept the guns active as long as the person could aim where they're firing. Sure it sucks a player can spawn with it but, you're gonna have team mates backing you up(I would hope so) while you're disabled. If there person could aim it while disabled then you'd pretty much have to get them from behind other wise you'd get killed right when you hit them with the Blast. No it's not easy. While it's hitting you it somewhat hinders your movement so it gets even harder to get close to them.
  22. No more noobs? There will be more of them! It'll be just like with Halo 3. The MM community will be flooded with Boosters, De-rankers, and bought accounts.
  23. I would like to see this game type again. I loved playing it in Halo 2. The way I think 343 could make it work is obviously give a point to which ever team eliminates the other first and get rid of friendly fire. And if a player commits suicide either on purpose or accident then you remove them from the next round. This will make the player be more careful. If the whole team commits suicide then give the point to the other team and the first to 3 wins. The round can last 3 min and if time runs out then markers are placed on everyone's head and another minute is added to the round time. If anyone is still alive after the addition minute then the round ends and another is started.
  24. I don't think the DMR is OP, it's just better at long range then the BR. In SWAT, and Infinity Slayer almost everyone I play against use the BR rather then the DMR unless it's a little bigger of a map. At long range the DMR is superior to the BR and the BR is better at close range then the DMR.
  25. I like Regicide but, I do want a regular type FFA playlist. The marker over the King's head is a little annoying sometimes and I don't really like the fact someone with less kills then me can win. I play it a lot though just because I love FFA. Stopped once SWAT and Snipers came out though.
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