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l Xenoes l

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Everything posted by l Xenoes l

  1. I'm not exactly sure when or if 343 is gonna add a team doubles playlist. Maybe when we're shown our true skill rank then they'll implement it but, no one could tell you for sure. I'm hoping they add it. Was my favorite playlist in both Halo 3 and Reach.
  2. I've noticed that a lot of people are like that on these forums. Quick to complain and whine about something but, don't ever wanna do something to fix it so they come onto these forums and cry about it wanting to get sympathy from people lol
  3. Yes there is, 343 has already stated that the "True Skill" ranking system is in effect but, it's hidden until early next year. Then our rank will be made visible to us.
  4. I had this happen yesterday playing Dominion. I just got killed and in the background I see one of my team mates run behind a box and hide till the enemy runs by him so he can get the assassination. I hate having team mates who just go for specific kind of kills or commendations.
  5. I would have to go with Halo 4 only because of how different the MM is and the better campaign and Spartan Ops. I did play Halo 3 for quite sometime and had a lot of good memories with it but, Halo 4 to me has a higher replay value.
  6. I kind of do both. I usually see what the rest of my team is doing and go from there. If there's to many people going for it then I stay back and vice versa.
  7. Playing with randoms will almost always lead to this unless you get lucky. I don't use my mic because I play in my living room and with my wife and kid doing stuff it makes it hard to effectively communicate with a team. If you took the time to build a team then it would get rid of your problems. I don't think that will get rid of it. Because then you're going to have people who know they won't be able to reach the higher ranks and will care even less about winning then they already do and screw over other people. Then create boost, de-ranking and bought accounts. The return of the "True Skill" ranking system will ruin Halo 4 like it did 3.
  8. No I don't think they should remove that or any playlist just because people are abusing a flaw in it. If you played Halo 3 then you should know about Boosters and De-rankers. Bungie never removed Team doubles seeing as this was the main playlist it was present. The people who abuse it are punished and that's all there is to it and I don't see the need to remove it.
  9. Game winning kill cam would be a nice addition. I usually never watch it unless I think the way I died was BS or I just had no idea how I died.
  10. I doubt they're gonna do something to give people back the lost xp if the cap was increased or lifted. Otherwise what would be the point to the cap in the first place. But people using the double exp to no end and then complaining about the cap are freaking retarded.
  11. l Xenoes l


    I love instant respawn! It allows me to sometimes kill the person who just killed me seconds later and constantly kill enemies right after the other lol It depends on the map I'm playing on for me to choose between the DMR or BR. Bigger maps I obviously use the DMR and vice versa.
  12. Just gonna have to deal with it. If you wanna eliminate the problems you're having find a group of people to play with. I play with nothing but, randoms so if I get ****ty team mates I know it's my fault. The problems you're having could be solved by playing with friends or finding people to play with. So instead of getting on a forum site complaining about you not getting what you want, how about you go do something about it. Good day sir!
  13. I think that's why they did that as well. I work from 5am to 5-6pm everyday, I can't put that big amount of time into this as most people. Maybe 4-5 hours a week, 8 if I'm lucky so I somewhat like the fact that there's a limit to how much people can progress in the game. Although I'm sure majority of the people despise it.
  14. I doubt they're gonna remove it all together but, they did said they're going to monitor how often people are hitting it and how many and then they're going to adjust/respond accordingly.
  15. I have a different opinion on the return of the true skill ranking system. Yeah sure it gives you a rank that you feel you earned and makes you think it will show other players how good you are but, just give it time and things will be just like they were in Halo 3. The MM community will be flooded with boosters, derankers, and bought accounts. Once all that BS starts you won't be able to judge someones skill based on their rank. Hell you can NEVER judge someones skill in any FPS based on their rank. Even though I loathe it returning there's nothing I can do and I'll be sad to see things go back to that.
  16. l Xenoes l


    I only hate it because this is how I die most of the time in SWAT, on the smaller maps anyway. But, yes like you said the response works both ways.
  17. You can try to justify stealing someone's assassination all you want. You say it all goes to the "team" so who cares who gets the kill but, the person stealing it shows that they don't care about the team they only care about their own amount of kills. The fact that they stopped to shoot at the person you have already pretty much killed instead of moving on to find other threats shows they're being purely selfish. That's all there is to it. If the person is already being shot at and you run behind them and start it but, they get killed by the player already shooting at them then that's a whole different matter. I looked at the amount of this medal someone had in Reach as a way to determine how bad of a team mate they are.
  18. l Xenoes l


    I'm very glad they brought SWAT back. I also love the fact you can choose between a DMR or BR. Hate when people run around with the magnum though. The delay though is a little annoying. Hate when I kill someone and about 1 second later I die from them.
  19. The only time I have got a kill cam is when I've been assassinated. Other then that I always see it.
  20. I think what some people are trying to get at is that the only way someone is really able to differentiate the male and female Spartans is the fact they sound different. The models of the two are very similar besides the fact one is skinnier. The female version is quite skinny compared to the one in Reach.
  21. I wouldn't want a side arm in Team Snipers because then you'f have people running around just using that instead. I like having the radar though because then people can't just camp behind something. The flinch though is very irritating though. Even a person with a bad shot can get a lucky hit and then you're reticule goes up really far and then just as you get it back on them you get killed. The delay is very annoying as well, it's also a problem in SWAT. I'll get the medal for a headshot and after I fired my shot I get killed by the person I just killed.
  22. K/D mostly. I gave up on my win loss ratio a lot time ago. Kind of the down side with always playing with randoms. So good team play also goes out the window cause randoms usually never have mics or even if they do they never use them except to scream BS about something.
  23. This isn't ran by 343 so no they don't see this stuff. If you want them to see stuff you need to go to Halo Waypoint and be on those forums.
  24. All I got from this thread is "Me and my son suck at Halo 4 so therefore this game is a POS and I want my money back". And the reason you get put on a team that is usually losing is because people quit because they were getting beat badly so it put you into the game to fill the slot and possibly turn the tides. Now does this usually happen, no but, there's nothing you can do about it. Just a part of the game and you have to deal with it. There's still Spartan Ops and a pretty good campaign. And Lag is something you have to deal with in all FPS games when playing online.
  25. No I haven't come across any sort of hacking in Halo 4. And I hope I never do. I would love to be able to record gameplay of hackers and send it in to 343 somehow to get those people banned.
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