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l Xenoes l

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Everything posted by l Xenoes l

  1. I don't want a visual rank. Rank means nothing to me. Cause to many people can start a new account and be lower rank then the people they're going against and demolish them. Same goes the other way with too many people boosting to the highest rank or buying accounts with that rank. Halo 4 and Reach's ranking system just show how much time you've invested into the game. I stopped caring about rank once I started to see derankers and boosters in Halo 3. Yeah you may get self satisfaction for hitting that rank but, when I see other people with a high rank I don't know whether they're actually gonna be good and help win or just go negative 20 or more and make me lose.
  2. I think the reason for those kind of members making topics and posts like that is that once Halo 4 was released all the immature people came over from Bungie's forums to here. What I think is dumb is that the people complaining about what 343 did on Halo think they actually will read this stuff and do something about it. I think introducing a classic playlist of some sort would be a good addition and would somewhat quell the hate people have for Halo 4. The same thing was done for reach. I personally love everything 343 did with Halo and wouldn't play that playlist but, it would make a lot of people happier. But, no matter what 343 does to update the game or playlists, not everyone will be happy. Halo 5, 6 could be even better then 4 and yet some people will still find things to complain about and that 343 is ruining the franchise. I seen the "You're all so needy" thread and I agree.
  3. I think the Halo franchise is going into a good direction. People complain about it being different but, look at how different it got going from 2 to 3 and then to Reach. All 2 and 3 did was add more weapons, some vehicles and different maps. Halo Reach finally added a new aspect into the game. AA changed the way matchmaking progressed. It was just get power weapons and kill the other team. It added a lot more strategy into the game. I find it sad that people want a franchise to change and progress but, when it does they don't like the direction it goes. What the hell is the point in buying a sequel to a game if the only thing that changes is some weapons, vehicles, and different story line? Yeah I loved the hell out of Halo 2 and 3 and played both for many years after their release but, I felt all Halo 3 did to add onto what Halo 2 had was different weapons and more maps. Reach and Halo 4 did stuff to change a lot of aspects about the franchise. I for one love the changes 343 has made and will play Halo 4 far longer then I did Reach. 343 isn't ruining what Halo used to be, they're just adding their touch to it and while some people don't like their direction, others(like me) love what they're doing and can't wait for the next two titles in the Trilogy.
  4. YES! I agree with this all the way. This is by far my favorite game type in all the Halo games. Love just having one other person to rely on and cover my back not 2-3 other people running around being lone guns and only have two enemies so even if I get caught in a 2v1 I can at least kill one of them before I die.
  5. No you can't restart from the very beginning. You could boost and all that fun jazz and hope you get caught and reset but, other then that no you can't sorry.
  6. They're pretty much the same thing but, instead of having some form of military rank you have a number. Both are meaningless and just show how much time you put into the game. What does it matter if you have a Name for your rank rather then a number? I didn't like the ranks in Reach because of how long it took to get to the higher ranks.
  7. Xbox 360 for me. I own all the major consoles but, I prefer the 360. The PS3 doesn't have any major online multiplayer titles that I like that the xbox doesn't already have. All the people I play online with are on xbox. The PS3 only has some single player exclusives that I like and they ported a lot of my favorite PS2 classics and PS1 as well onto the PS3 for arcade games or HD collections. Plus it has the Kinect which is better or my daughter who isn't very good using motion controllers like the move or wii. Plus I already put so much time into my GS on my GT which is up to 50K I'm gonna stay with my xbox. The XBL had a lot less problems with online gaming as well. I came across more hackers in MW2 in two weeks on PSN then I did in over a year on XBL. That's my opinion though. Also someone's post above reminded me of a few things. PSN has crashed and been down for more then a few days multiple times and you can't change your screen name at all. Playstation Plus though is something I wish XBL would incorporate.
  8. No there isn't a way to make everyone happy. The forum sections for both Halo Reach and Halo 3 on Bungie's site proved that no matter how good a game is people will always find something wrong with a game. There was aspects of Reach I did like, for instance having the commendations, armor abilities, new vehicles, new game types, FF was better then in ODST, adding in some new cool weapons, and remaking one of my favorite maps from Halo 2 Ascension.
  9. I doubt Elite will be added back into multiplayer because of how much people complained about this hit boxes in Halo 2, 3. I don't know if they had the same problem in Reach though. Some more vehicles would be nice as well as a flying on. Halo 3 had the Hornet which was pretty cool. I'm sure more game types and playlists will be released as time goes on. People just need to be a little patient.
  10. I think I was a 35+ in TS, and SWAT. I didn't play Halo 2 on XBL till I got my 360 but, I played it for a few years on XBC. Don't know if a lot of people on here know about it. Sadly that had no way of tracking anything or giving you a rank.
  11. A lot of people have gone back to Reach, maybe not for the reasons you did but, because they think it's to much like CoD.
  12. You may find my reasons bad but, that's why I didn't like the game. There's plenty of other reasons but, those are the main ones as to why I didn't like Reach. Short campaign, constantly forming unbalanced teams, lack of fun playlists, takes to long to earn credits to get to higher ranks, no real firefight matchmaking, and small variety of commendations.
  13. I don't believe you'll be able to receive Recon armor anymore in Halo 3. Bungie made you do something on their site once you unlocked all the Vidmaster achievements. I don't know how 343 would unlock the armor for you. Don't know how you'd contact them about this issue either.
  14. Yes I thought that was very stupid myself. I get all the specializations but, I have to reach rank 50 before I'm even allowed to use them.
  15. Yes while the AR type weapons may not be as versatile as the Mid-Long range weapons if you implement them correctly and with the right combination then they can do as much damage if not more then the BR, DMR, ect.
  16. Yeah having commendations like that for some weapons is pretty outrageous. I enjoy Regicide but, the most I've been able to rack up in one game was like 4 I think and I was constantly going after the king as well. Sucks when I'm the king majority of the time as it is.
  17. I would love for an animation to involve using a weapon. Like kicking them in the back of their leg dropping them to their knees then shooting them in the head with like a pistol. Or tackle them and get up and curb stomp the **** outta their head.
  18. Brutes where stupid easy to beat. They had no shield, just a helmet to cover their dome and once you took that off in one shot they were easy to kill. I liked the Brute Spiker and would love to see that come back.
  19. Every weapon has a certain amount of usability on each map. On the close quarters map the Storm Rifle, Silencer, and AR are a little more effective(if the player knows how to properly use them) compared to the Mid-Long range weapons. If it's a smaller map with tight corners and no open areas I can usually out gun someone using say the BR with an AR, depending on the range o]f course. I don't think the weapon has been rendered obsolete because of the load outs but, it has a certain time and place of when it should be used.
  20. I liked Borderlands 2. A lot better then the first one. The different kind of shields and new weapons was a good touch. Although I found it very hard to find a good Assault Rifle. It just didn't have any good ones compared to what I could find in the first game. Axton is my favorite Character by far.
  21. I put in the code to unlock all specializations and I'm still unable to use any of them.
  22. General Grade 1, almost to grade 2 though.
  23. I won't. Didn't like Reach all that much. Bloom pissed me off to much and it didn't have the BR. I like the DMR in Halo 4 but, despised it in Reach. Once I got all the cheevos for Reach I turned the POS in.
  24. All the levels that you had to play as Arby
  25. I loved them but, hated that I got so many team kills because of random flying spikes lol
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