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l Xenoes l

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Everything posted by l Xenoes l

  1. Very similar to the UNSC Rail Gun which I'm very fond of so I wouldn't mind something like being added for the Brutes. Although seeing as their traits are like their name I don't see them using this type of weapon. It's why I think they have the Hammer for a melee weapon. On a side note I would love for the UNSC to come up with a melee type weapon.
  2. I think it should be brought back. Why it was removed all together is beyond me. I think a lot of the smaller arms should be brought back like the Mauler, Brute Spikers, SMGs, and Plasma Rifles. It broke up the monotony of using nothing but the BR, DMR, Carbine type weapons. Every map would have the same weapons besides varied heavies depending if there was vehicle combat or not. One weapon that should NEVER be removed is the Rail Gun.
  3. I've been playing the series since Halo 2 and I love Sprint. Makes games a lot more fast paced and fluid. The maps were scaled to accommodate this. Makes for interesting games as well. Being able to increase your movement speed is something that has become a necessity in MM. The fact that base movement speed was increased in all MLG game types for Halo 3 makes it all but obvious. They want MM to be more competitive. Being one person you can't speak for all core Halo fans. I love sprint being added and hate any FPS game that doesn't have it.
  4. Matchmaking should be implemented but, not forced. If you have a fire team ready then you go with those people and if you don't have a full team than MM will fill in the empty slots. Some people won't have friends that play the game and won't be able to form a team together. It would be to difficult for that person to message what 5 other people in the tower willing to join up with someone they don't even know or how they play and do an raid with them an take hours to complete. Like I said it should be implemented but, not forced.
  5. No I don't think they should. If they were do that for Halo 4 why not Halo 2 which I played on the 360 and Halo 3 which I was under 100 wins away from being a Brig Gen. I think everyone should start from scratch.
  6. Yes, I already have my Limited Edition paid off. Getting a lot of games in the next coming months. Destiny, Shadow of Mordor, Halo: MCC, and Sunset Overdrive. Plus Halo 5 when it releases. Will not be getting ESO for the XOne until it becomes F2P. Not going to pay for the sub fee plus XBL. That's ridiculous.
  7. Severe lack of both facial and hair options. Plus the lack of facial hair. Wish there was more options for the Exo as well. Didn't really like the facial options for them.
  8. Would have been nice for everything to carry over. Well my Halo 3 rank anyway. Was so close to being a Brig General. I won't really care about rank this time around. Just getting all the achievements really and having fun.
  9. Would be nice if H2 and H3 got this kind of addition to them but, I doubt they will seeing as the games are running on their original engines. Who knows though. Maybe more details will be released later. Either way will be fine with me though. I'll just be glad to be able to play Halo 2 campaign online with other people.
  10. I want some of the other maps to be remade. Lockout, Zanzibar, and Ascension were some of the primary maps that were ran through MM that have been confirmed. Midship shouldn't be remade at all seeing as it's had plenty of reboots. I would love to see Turf, Burial Mounds and possibly Colossus to get HD remakes. Decent sized maps that would benefit greatly from the make over. Just my two sense though.
  11. Most definitely! Anyone who wants to play on day one feel free to add my GT(Which is my username) and send me an invite.
  12. Pre-ordered and paid for it a few days after E3. Can't wait for this game. Halo 2 and 3 had the best multiplayer out of all of them IMO. Well they were the most enjoyable anyway
  13. The Campaign so far has a nice depth to it and the beta didn't give too much away but, still kept a lot hidden. I wish there was a way to search for a fire team for story missions like you can for Strike missions but, I'm sure when the game drops I won't have an issue with getting friends to join up with. The Crucible I thought was very fun. It was similar to Halo but, with a nice twist cause of the Supers. Gear and class specific perks didn't play a part unless you did Iron Banner. I never noticed having a harder time killing Titans compared to Warlocks or Hunters. The only time a Titan is harder to kill is when they're using Fist of Havoc. And the boost to their health is only slight and it barely increases when you get the perk that makes you tougher to kill while using it. And even that is only activated in PVE and Iron Banner. The Interceptor is being severely nerfed when the game drops. They just never implemented that during the Beta. The Strike missions are very fun and still somewhat tough even while being level 8 and choosing the higher difficulty if you don't work together. Love the ability to search for a fire team if you don't already have one. Only thing I wished was added to the beta was the other game types. Those should have been tested to test spawning locations and how well certain gametypes worked for certain maps and so on and so forth. But, maybe Bungie didn't see the need cause their own testers did that for them. And control is nothing like Domination from CoD. For one thing you don't get points based on how many objectives you hold. The only thing holding more objectives does for you is give you more points per kill. The amount of bases held determines the multiplier you get for kills and other things. I like Control a lot and can't wait to play all the other game types and modes. Greatly looking forward to this game.
  14. I got it the first day the DLC dropped. Wanna know how? I cheated lol I added two extra controllers and moved my extra two guys into a corner and meleed both of them an tossed a light grenade lol
  15. Well until it gets closer to the release date or a rep from Microsoft says that there will or won't be a bundle there's no way to tell for sure. Either way I don't really care. Already got my Xbox One and I'm loving it.
  16. It's the way certain retailers can ensure they get some pre-orders for the game. They're a game altering skull. If they don't want to make it available on day one then 343i doesn't have too. They did the same thing with Halo 4 Multiplayer. If it's that big of a deal to you then don't get the game till all the pre-order skulls are available. I swear people complain the skulls are being made available and will ruin the campaign and you got people complaining that they're not all available at once. Be happy 343i is even putting them in ALL the games. You don't like how things are run, become a game dev, join Microsoft's Xbox team and change it. Until then just be happy we're even getting the MCC.
  17. High Charity. Can't count how many times I played that mission just to get to the end when you walk into the room and have to kill a bunch of Elites and like 3 hunters. I always walked in there with a fuel rod and rocket launcher and blew the SOBs up to the song that's played when you enter. SO BADASS!
  18. I think there will just because the Halo franchise is Mcrsofts' baby and based on the release of every halo from 3 and on there's been a special bundle xbox console to go with each release. So if that pattern is anything to go off of I'd say I'm about 75% sure they'll release an Xbox One bundle with it. And that makes me a little mad because I bought mine on day one and I won't shell out another 400-500 for a new console. Would be pointless.
  19. 343i stated in an article I read from IGN I believe that anyone waiting for The MAster Chief Collection coming to any system OTHER than the Xbox One will be sadly dissapointed. They will not be moving it to any other console or making a Halo 2 Ann seperatly. Now this isn't the article I got that information from but, it's very similar. http://gamerant.com/halo-master-chief-collection-pc-xbox-360/
  20. Halo 2 and 3. Don't care for Halo 1 or 4 really. I'll play them somewhat but, not nearly as much as 2 and 3.
  21. I have no idea. XBC didn't track stats. I didn't play H2 on XBL till a few months before the servers were shut down. If I had to put a number on my matches on XBC though I'd have to say it would be around 4-6k. I was still in school at the time and played on there non stop for a little over 2 years.
  22. Oh god if I still had my copy of Halo 2 I would so be down for this. XBC is by far my greatest time playing Halo 2. Played there for over 2 years. My handle was Xenoes.
  23. The Master Chief Collection or even Halo 2 Ann. will not be ported to another console or the PC even. 343i has already stated this.
  24. Anyone with this game for Xbox One, since it's currently still free this should be everyone, please hit me up on XBL. Trying to get some of the achievements for this game and since little to no one is ever on this game it's very hard to find a partner. GT is Neurotic Kasper
  25. Unique custom game rules were enforced by the people playing the game. It was proper etiguet. You throw those same game types into MM without some kind of in game type restrictions and you'll have utter chaos. Theres very few custom game types that could be phased into MM. Like Star Wars for instance. All that was limited weapon types. There should be a special playlist for odd game types like Halo 3 and 4 had. Would keep things intersting. I for one hope they don't try to overload Halo 3 with a huge amount of playlist types. With the MM community being as spread out between all 4 Halos it will be hard to get enough players into a single playlist if there's 10+.
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