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l Xenoes l

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Posts posted by l Xenoes l

  1. If they want to use that skull then that's their choice. If they used it and you didn't then that should make you feel good instead of make you mad. Knowing that you beat it without the skull where as they had to use it. I already beat Halo 2 on Legendary when it first came out and dealt with the dead shot Jackels. So when I get this game I WILL be using my Bandana skull. I don't really care. I want to have fun replaying the best Halo game to date, not be mad for days while I get destroyed by the beastly Jackels. I went through it with Iron on and a friend split screen and it was even harder so I've earned the right to use the skull :thumbsup:

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  2. I'm sure 1 and 4 will keep the same list but, I don't know about 3. Mainly because 343 didn't play any part in it like they did with Halo: CEA. I'm kind of hoping they change it. I'm really glad that Halo 3 and 4 won't feature their DLC related ones. The few for Mythic in Halo 3 and the light grenade kills for Halo 4 were so enfuriating to get. Although Halo 3 had some pretty hard online achievements for the base game. Luck had a big factor for them,

  3. Ricochet. Griffball started to suck after Halo 3. Plus Griffball has been around since Halo so I got quite bored it after Halo Reach. Only reason I even played it in Halo 4 was to get all the kills for the G. Hammer. Ricochet is something completely new. Plus not nearly as much BS is in Griffball with the inconsistency of the Hammer. Can kill people 25ft away from you but, can't kill someone by hitting them directly.

  4. From what I've heard DBZ is going to be continued because of the success of DBZ Battle of the Gods. They're even making a second movie about the Battle of the Gods. This is by far my favorite anime ever. No anime will ever top DBZ in my opinion. One reason I loved DBZ is that it didn't use nearly as much filler as most anime still airing. 

  5. I have Time Warner Cable and I'm unable to find what channel it's airing on. I'm hearing G4 but, I looked through their listings both on my guide and their site and it's not on there. Looked through Spike from the 11th-13th and I'm not seeing anything either. I don't really want to watch it on youtube but, I will if I'm unable to on my tv. Anyone know what channel and time it will be airing on?


    No harm is done with having Flood in Halo 4.

    I think it is a fun game type to play when I am bored.

    I dont play Flood much but I have no problem with it in the game.

    You people always say the randomest crap and nothing is wrong with it just go with the



    Nothing is wrong with it?.......The population of the playlist begs to differ. Especially when the population of Zombies from a game that came years before is larger than the current Halo's.


    A lot of people believe this to be the official 343 forum... when it's nothing of the sort. 343 doesn't have a forum.

    It's called Waypoint

  7. I refuse to pay twice to play a game. EA pissed me off enough with that online pass BS and the rumors of the fee might be true seeing as EA is getting rid of the online pass fee. But, E3 might clear up a lot of the rumors and bad news I've read in a lot of articles. If the rumors are true though I will not be buying the new Xbox. The only way I'll still get the Xbox One is if the fee is like $5 or something around that price range. If I have to pay FULL retail price than MS can kiss my shinny white ass.


    Seems like MS is turning into a money hungry prick because Windows 8 and their new phone was such a flop that they're trying to recoup some of their lost expenses. So glad Destiny is still releasing on the 360 and hopefully the next Halo is as well. Don't want to be forced into buying the new Xbox for those exclusives. Once the price for it drops a lot I might pick it up but, will never buy a used game for it.


    I thin in the end I will still buy it but, will only getting exclusive new titles and never get used games. Will still keep my 360 as well seeing as there's no back wards compatibility. Not even for Arcade titles which is just plain stupidity. Seems like MS just came off a 6 month crack binge and they think all these "cool" ideas will work when it'll just screw them over in the long run.

  8. As it stands right now with that I've read I will not be getting the Xbox One. For three main reasons. One is that I can't buy a used game for a certain price from a retailer like GameStop and be able to go play it. I'll have to pay Microsoft an additional FEE to have permission to play it. Which means I can't lend a game to a friend so he can try it out to see if he wants to purchase it himself or borrow it for a few days. He'd have to download MY profile in order to play it and if he wants to play it on his profile he'll have to pay the full retail price to do so. Two, there's no backwards compatibility so I wouldn't be able to play ANY of my old 360 games on the new system. And three, which is two points but, both are small, you'll have to install some if not all games onto your HDD, and the new Kinect is ALWAYS on. Maybe E3 will shed more light on these rumors and quell my fears but, as it stands currently I won't be getting one at all. Especially if the cost of new games goes up like I've heard. Instead of $60 it could go up to almost $80. Which is sad. Game Devs are now becoming money hungry pricks.


    pikalo and the bald kid with 6 or 7 dots on his head. i don't know his name but i think it starts with a k or something you guys can figure it out who I'm talking about

    Piccolo and the guys name was Krillin.


    May fav would have to be Bardock or Gohan from Trunk's future timeline.

  10. Ultimate Z Fighter for DBZ Burst Limit was probably the hardest one for me to get. Beat all chapters with Z rank on Z difficulty. None of the achievements for any of the halo games were really difficult, just time consuming. I spent over a year getting all the achievements for that game and less time than half that for one of the halo games.

  11. I would for sure re-occupy Halo 3 if it had a larger number of constant players. Halo 3 was IMO the best. The ranking system was better, had better playlists, game types, and better weapon mechanics. I came back every weekend just to play the Double Exp weekend for some fun crazy game type. Those were the good ol days =]

  12. That's fine if it's OP. The DMR is still OP and can beat the BR and Carbine easily so what's wrong with the Carbine being OP for once?

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