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l Xenoes l

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Everything posted by l Xenoes l

  1. A lot of people don't have that kind of time for each match. Sometimes I only have like 20-30 minutes till I have to leave for work and I'd like to get 3-4, 5 games in if I'm lucky. There were games like that in BF3 where the score limit was 1K. That game took almost an hour. If a game lasts longer then 10-15 minutes in Halo I get bored quickly.
  2. 343i needs to add more armor into the game. Although I doubt it's going to happen. People wanted the same thing in both Halo 3 and Reach. It never happened.
  3. Seems like everyone that comes here to complain about 343i overlooks the banner of the site "Community Forum".
  4. What Fraggy says is true though. Competitive/Hardcore gamers only make up a small portion of the total gaming community with casual gamers far out numbering us. So when a developer sees this they make their game to suite both types of gamers. With a FPS you can't evenly balance a game for both casual and hard core gamers. Just won't work. So with the casual gaming community being larger it makes sense to tailor a game more towards them to attract a bigger amount of sellers.
  5. I wouldn't mind that. I prefer to have a controller when playing games. Although you'd be a little limited by the limitations of a controller compared to a keyboard. although I wouldn't want to have to pay for XBL and a WoW membership.
  6. It would be nice if there was an option to put bots into forge to test things out on or even fight bots in custom games. Would make warming up a lot easier.
  7. MW4 Darksiders 3 Halo 5 New ODST Force Unleashed 3 Geometry Wars 3 Elder Scrolls 6 Castle Crashers 2
  8. If you got so much to complain about and that things need to be fixed go become a game dev and fix it yourself.
  9. Then Halo 4 must think I'm a lot more worse at the game than my stats show. In Dominion I have games where I easily go +10 and yet my team mates can't even break double digits kill wise and don't know the first thing about objective control. I do think Halo 4 should have had the True Skill ranking system to begin with instead of 5 months after release but, we have CSR now and it makes up for that. Not completely though because it's not in game but, beggars can't be choosers. I do wish Halo 4 had the level of competitiveness as Halo 3 did but, I do still love not constantly worrying about my rank. Another thing I despise about the SR is that you can't gauge someone's skill level off it. They could be a SR 130 and get out played by a 45 cause they farmed SO. I would like Halo 5 to bring back that old Halo 3 feel.
  10. I think I have more FUN playing Halo 4's MM than I did 3 only because I was always worried about making that next rank. Until I hit Brig Gen on my main account. Then I could care less and had fun destroying bad 50's and had fun just playing social play lists. Rank in Halo 3 was very nice and always gave me something to strive for. When Bungie gave all playlists the EXP rank, it made things a lot more entertaining as well because I had a reason to win. So both sides have their pros and cons. The ONLY reason I don't like the SR is because it doesn't match you with other people of YOUR skill level.
  11. And there's nothing wrong with that but, a lot of people need something to go for to get enjoyment out of a game. I'm one of those people. Unless I'm a fan of the series of a certain game, I won't play it again once I have all the achievements or don't have anything left to strive for.
  12. Don't really care. Stopped playing SO once I got all the achievements for it. Was already SR 130 before I even finished the first 5 episodes. I might go play them all to get the commendations for it but, as far as actually wanting to play them idc.
  13. The game has been successful. Look at the sales and the daily population of MM. Doesn't matter that they couldn't do a three year plan because of the time limit. The fact that they pumped out three map packs in 5 months shows they're trying to make consumers happy. And I'm sure there will be more map packs to come.
  14. I prefer how it was in Halo 3, 4 Teams of 2. Was enough people to not create to much chaos but, enough so you can always find someone to kill. I preferred only have one other team mate so if they aren't that skilled I can still carry them without too much difficulty cause there's not that many enemies and majority of the time teams never stick together but, with three players the chances they do are higher.
  15. Having a rank and striving to get that number as high as it can go gives you something to shoot for and allows you to get more enjoyment and satisfaction out of MM. I played Halo 3 for 3 years I think and the ranking system is what kept me playing for all that time. Sure the fun game types like Zombies(The original game type not this Flood BS), Rocket Race, Fiesta, Team Melee made me continue to come back and the rank for all the social playlists as well. Once I hit SR130 in Halo 4 and got the Armor I wanted I didn't have much left to go for. Same goes for Achievements. I stopped playing SO once I got all the cheevos for it. People like having something to go for and having a sense of accomplishment, it's human nature. Are you gonna continue to do something if you don't feel like you're accomplishing anything? I sure wouldn't.
  16. There was aspects of the game and new features that I wasn't happy with right away. But, not many people like change right away. I loved the addition of AA's in Reach but, despised the removal of the BR(Never got used to that). I still enjoyed the game though. At first I didn't like have to earn being able to have certain weapons and equipment in my loud outs but, it gives you a sense of accomplishment when you earn things instead of them being handed to you. People will always complain when they don't get what they want and will always find things to complain about no matter how good a game is. Not everyone can be pleased and 343i is doing what they can to make the masses happy. At least they're doing what they can instead of sitting on their thumbs and laughing at the whiners complaining about the BS, Gauss, and no rank. Instead they nerfed those two and worked the @$$'$ off creating a CSR for every playlist and releasing THREE map packs in 5 months. When it took Bungie 3 YEARS!!! to release 4 map packs. 343i is doing their best to fill the enormous shoes left by Bungie and IMO they're doing a very good job. It may not have met everyone's expectations but, give them a break. If you got so much to complain about and that things need to be fixed go become a game dev and fix it yourself you selfish SOB!
  17. My overall commendation Progress says 93% on waypoint but, I don't see this being right seeing as I only have like 30% done with the Covenant and Promethean weapons.
  18. I wish people would give actual reasons as to why they think Halo 4 is better than Halo 3 rather then just saying it is.
  19. Thank god! That was gonna be the deal breaker for me on whether or not I was gonna get the new xbox
  20. I'm more interested in the amount of splatters to be honest.
  21. It was nice in CoD because how quickly you can die so getting a little extra boost to get over that hump was nice. But I feel it would just ruin Halo MM. I wouldn't like to see this appear in Halo EVER!
  22. l Xenoes l

    4SK BR

    The only Precision weapon I would like to get a buff is the Carbine. I loved this weapon in Halo 2 and 3 but, because the DMR and BR overpower it so quickly it's basically useless.
  23. Halo 4 doesn't have any where near the level of competitiveness that Halo 3 had. With no real go to go for and no actual reward for winning, people don't care about winning or losing. With getting EXP even for losing I didn't even care about my win/loss ratio but, with Halo 3 you had to win to get EXP so people actually wanted to win to increase their rank and show how good they are. SR in Halo 4 doesn't mean Jack$%#^ so someone who's SR15 can easily be better than an SR130. I spend more time screwing around and trying to complete Commendations then actually trying to win. Hopefully things will change on CSR comes to the game.
  24. I'll watch the CGI videos but, I don't feel like wasting time doing Spartan Ops mission when I get nothing out of it. I'm already SR130 so I have nothing to gain from doing the missions.
  25. I don't see Elite showing up at all in Halo 4 MM. Like Csboose said maybe as a custom game type but, never added into rotation. I don't care for elites but, I'm indifferent on them being playable in MM.
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