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Jackal (2/19)



  1. thanks for the welcome just forgot this was an introduction thread lol
  2. just a question any answers maybe even a list of upcoming gametypes?
  3. the daily xp cap for halo 4 online is 75,000 xp yeah sounds like no one can hit it right? RONG many people have hit it and i just hit it today goin for that oceanic healmet one level away but i think its well idk how to say it but more than stupid in my opinion iv seen peoples rank that are already sr53 wetwork and stuff and im trying to get some what close being sr 46 but come on a daily xp cap relly? ps if your going to have one atleast make it 100,000 xp atleast or not have one at all.
  4. I cannot belive this, the assault rifle has always been my ffffffavvvorite weapon but always weak. I used it all the time even tho it didnt relly do alot of damage i still used it like a noob lol. But now in halo 4 this gun was buffed up like hell and it a deadly closed/mid range weapon. All the weapons i injoy but this weapons sound and new strength is just bloody EPIC.
  5. lol that duchbag spot in complex haha lol i love that spot but yeah its a bug that probably will be fixed soon
  6. yeah i just hit my cap today one more lvl to oceanic
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